page 2 the other press April 4, 1977 other _ editorial Want a mustache? In two weeks time the hallowed positions on the Douglas College student council will be up for grabs. Will there be any takers? If you are considering dabeling in the exciting world of student politics, you should stop and seriously think again. True. it is pleasing to the ego tu see your own dedicated puss artfully (if 1 do say so myself) displayed on the pages ot this newspaper, but there is more to it than that (sorry, all recent chairpersons--Ray who?). Not so long ago, our student council introduced what they believed to be an exciting New Testament (sorry, that should read Constitution.). Though slightly longer than the Ten Commandments, the new constitution has been forgotten quicker than they have. And not by the followers (most students haven’t read it), but by the disciples. © But the same is true of the old constitution. Constantly, members of council have overlooked clauses of this document in the desire for self-rewarding expediency. Even motions passed at the Special General Meeting have been silently crucified, dead and buried. If you intena on playing the political game than be prepared to work for the students and not yourself. And be prepared to (I know this is a lot to ask any politician) adhere to your public} positions and statements or you may just find a mustache painted on your puss in this newspaper (if I have to do it myself). «. AND THEY PUT IT IN A CHAMBER AND GAS I(T To DEATH? YouURE Joxmo! THAT COULDN'T HAPPEN HERE IN AMERICA! the Other press STAFF BOX Co-editors: Gord Isfeld, Terry Glavin, Rory Munro, Neil Dowie, Gwen Odland Writers: Grant Dahling, Kathy Neilsen, Brent McNeil Typesetter: Patrick Dyck. ; Member of Canadian University Press, and subscriber of Pacific News Service. The Other Press is a democratically run student newspaper. Published under the auspices of the Douglas College Student Society every Monday. The news office is located at the rear of the cafeteria on the New Westminster campus. The Other Press, Box 2503, Douglas College, New Westminster, British Columbia, 522-6038, between 12 and 1, weekdays, Advertising: 522-6038. * * la otra prensa! * AS USUAL, THE FELhe WILL DENY ALL KNOWLEGE OF YOUR ACTIVITIES, GINCE FOR GOME INSANE REASON , THaY ARE IL- LEGAL. FOLLOWING THIS MISSION, WE'VE GOT A DILLY FOR YOU DOWN IN CHILE! B.C. Tel has to increase rates — Johnston British Columbia Telephone Company has applied to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunicat\ons Commis-- sion (CRTC) to increase monthly residential telephone bills by 15 per cent and toll call rates by about 10 per cent. At hearings held in Vancou- ver Christopher Johnston, CR- TC general counsel asked the company to prepare cost sheets based on two possibilities-the need to cut capital spending by 25 million, and the effect of CRTC refusal of rate increases this year. The need for the rate increa- ses, B.C. Tel says, is to replace the old electro-mechanical switching equipment with an automated analogue switching system. Ken Mackenzie, counsel for the B.C. attorney-general’s of- fice, said it was clear that going ahead with the analogue switching equipment was bene- ficial to B.C. Tel’s sister com- pany, GTE Automatic Electric Canada Ltd., because that com- pany is manufacturing the equipment. Besides having a sister com- pany manufacturing the equip- ment, B.C. Tel also has a relation with the company that installs the equipment-Can Tel. Cost sheets were prepared and they show, Johnston was quoted as saying, that so much money has been committed that BC Tel will face penalties if they back out. “Even the money covered by the possible cutback from 280 : million to $255 million is largely committed so that it is no longer a practical figure.”’ Jetters Student Council has done ¢£.F.A. Dear Editor: Iam having a hard time trying to figure out what the Student Council has done this semester. Besides allocating funds to a few clubs, firing and hiring a business manager, hiring a pub manager, the Student Society has done ‘‘S.F.A.’’. And now this horseshit about a grad dance. ‘‘Let’s make it a formal event so we can remem- Re: Your article Volume III ‘No. 10 March 28, 1977 Page 4-BI- ‘ LINGUAL BURSARIES AVAIL- ABLE. Thanks for the article. These courses are quite popular and if anybody is interested, imme- diate applications should be made. We don’t offer Franch cour- ses for Anglophones at Douglas, but English courses for Franco- phones. You may learn more about this from Mary Pat Was- muth (588-4411, local 229). There will be about 50 students from Quebec, half of them in New Westminster and half of them in Richmond. Chris Home-Douglas French Instructor ber it’’ was what the chairman said. Kinda sounds like a few years back when I was in high school. The mentality of the council reflects this ‘‘high school’’ atti- tude. The dance is not a bad idea...but at the Hyatt? Whoa back! And 25 bucks a couple? I bet the drinks are really cheap there, too. The only people that are Dear Moonball (Harris) I have in my possession a letter requesting the repayment of $280; however it was my’ understanding that the Student Society was sponsoring a dance (last Christmas which unfortu- nately lost $350). Which was promptly paid by the Ski Club and although many requests have been made by myself for the return of these funds, we have not received these funds. Therefore the balance ($350- $280=$70) is now not only PAST due, but is also extremely urgent that you forward these doing anything in the way of events are the Varsity Christian Group and the Other Press Presentations. The chairman, in response to why there are no events, said council is looking into the possi- bility of hiring and events co-ordinator. More expendit- ures, more waste, more bullshit. signed Layed Back a funds to me at the earliest possible date. If I, or any member of the Ski Club executive, receive any more of your absurd dunning letters, we will seriously consi- der consulting our lawyers and charging you (as chief executive officer) with attempted fraud, as well as charge the Society interest on the funds owing. I am expecting you to act on this matter immediately and forward our cheque by return mail. , Yours reproachfully, Eric Gilstead Chairman of D.C.S.S. Ski Club