!o TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR ORIENTATION DAY FOR RECENT HIGH-SCHOOL GRADS (continued) Activity: Introduction to the Student Society Social - hosted by Student Society Suggested Presente ) Student i Suggested registration fee for students - $10.00 - to cover catering costs and a College calendar. TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR ORIENTATION EVENING FOR PART-TIME/MATURE STUDENTS The evening will be hosted by a College Rep (Registrar or Counsellor) with a mature student if possible. Activity: Welcome and Setting Objectives The Registration Process - a presentation of all stages Things Students Need to Know: 1. How the System Works 2. Learning Resource Centre 3. Key Services for Mature Students Survival Skills: - a look at common problems mature students encounter and where to go for help. Student Panel: - mature students will discuss their experiences. Introduction to Student Society Social Suggested Presenter(s) Host Bill Day O Registrar's Office Registrar's office Library Student Services Student Services Student Society Student Society Student Society and College O Suggested registration fee - $5.00 - to include catering and a College calendar.