INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / April 14, 1992 Events Calendar SS SESS Music @ Jazz Night Big Band Salsa featuring Sal Fererras Th, Apr 16 at 8 pm Upper Cafeteria Call 5272 for more information. Douglas College Children’s Choir - “Lullabies and Show- tunes” Special Guest: Marisa Gaetanne Director: Stephen Horning We, Apr 29 at 7 pm Performing Arts Theatre Tickets $5 / $3 Children/Stu- dents/Seniors at the door. Amabilis Singers 10th Anniversary Concert @ Sa, May 9 at 8 pm. Performing Arts Theatre Tickets: $10, $8 Students/ Seniors. Human Resource Development workshop ¢@ Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say May 6, 1992 Call 5440 for more information. Art Display @ Christopher Woods “No Technology” Apr 2 - May 15 Amelia Douglas Gallery. ¢ David Craig “They stood where they stared" May 1 - May 29 Amelia Douglas Gallery. « President’s Report Highlights - February and March The College Board Chairman and President have been invited to the University of Foreign Studies at Kyoto in late April in order to for- mally sign a Student Exchange Program. On February 17, | met with a committee representing the Registered Psychiatric Nurses As- sociation of British Columbia, in order to discuss their concerns over the budget and FTE reduc- tions proposed for Psychiatric Nursing for this next year. On February 27, the In Focus conference of adult special educators occurred. Douglas College presenters were Gladys Loewen, Maria laquinta, Wendy Keenlyside, Al Atkinson, Mabe! Izat, and Richard Marion. Richard has been very active in the development of the Disabled Stu- dents Association, and continues his studies at Douglas College. On March 5, we were visited by old friends from Momoyama University in Japan. Toru Miyaki is now head of the International Education Faculty of Momoyama, and spent a happy three days renewing acquaintances at Douglas College. On March 10, students from the Osaka College of Analytical Chemistry “graduated” from their three-week program at Douglas College. Two stories published in Event Magazine last year - No Miracles Sweet Jesus and A theory of Dis- continued Existence - have been nominated for the $10,000 Jour- ney Prize. The winner will be announced later this year. On March 13, Dennis Therrien and | met to discuss the current fiscal problems both in Douglas College and in Maple Ridge School district, and to discuss the evolution of the Thomas Haney Centre. As well, | had the oppor- tunity to make a short visit to the construction site. The structure is shaping up to be a real jewel. On March 24, we hosted a Chinese delegation of Medical Educators, who are extremely inter- ested in paraprofessional training and community health. The Student Success Taskforce, with representation from all divisions of the College, has now been formed and is hard at work. It will examine success strategies, incorporating findings and recoin- mendations of our own self-study, which is currently under way, as well as research evidence and in- formation from elsewhere, on methods of enhancing student suc- cess. The Taskforce will report on December 31, 1992. William L. Day, Presidenta INSIDE INFORMATION Inside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon two weeks prior to publication. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please coii'xct the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, Room 4840 at the lv Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2.