Thea el Mad Hatter | __A Douglas College Newsletter July 5, 1988 SO LONG .... Everyone had a good time at Douglas College’s retirement party held recently, including retiring Hank Naylor, seen here receiving a momento from President Bill Day. Other retirees who received recognition at the retirement affair were: Larry Davies, Lyle Howarth, Bill Morfey and Gary Thind. IN FOUR B.C. CENTERS DISCOVERY TRAINING NETWORK LAUNCHED on education and training will become as easy as pushing a button when the Discovery Train- ing, Network (DTN) is launched in four British Columbia regions. On access to information DTN is a comprehensive, com- pulerized catalogue of training and educational opportunities, drawn from sources in B.C., other parts of Canada, and the United States. The DTN database con- sists Of more than 175,000 com- puterized listings which can be accessed in a matter of seconds, reducing the need to review course calendars, catalogues and brochures. The DTN system will provide valuable information that can be accessed by subject for courses or programs, by organiza- tion, by region or by dates and locations for seminars and workshops. The Discovery Training Net- work will be launched Discovery Training Network (continued) simultaneously in four pilot regions (Greater Vancovucr, Howe Sound/Sunshine Coast, Kamloops and Vancouver Island) by the end of May, with plans to link up the rest of the province by 1989. DTN, which is part of the Open Learning Agency, is a jointly funded by the Provincial Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training and Canada Employ- ment and Immigration’s Innova- tions Program. DTN will be available through numerous Terminal Access Points (TAPs) located in educational in- stitutions, private businesses, libraries, government offices and other locations. DTN’s initial marketing phase has proven to be very successful. During the first phase of opera- tions, over 100 TAP’s will be on- line. DTN suppliers, who offer programs or courses, are signing on in increasing numbers. A special hotline has been in- stalled to provide information on the nearest TAP location and to handle general inquiries. The hot- line number is 1-800-663-1383. In- formation will also be provided through special DTN promos ap- pearing soon on the Knowledge Network. Whether the DTN user is a recent high school graduate, an unemployed or underemployed person, a business person secking professional development or an individual wanting to upgrade his or her level of training, the DTN system will provide ready access to information on programs and course of study which will help them to achieve new goals and career objectives.