CONPL'CT OF INTEREST POLTCY (Cont'd) PROCCDURES (Cont'd) Ls Following the declaration of a conflict of interest, the College, after consultation with the employee, shall either: (i) remove the employee from the conflict of interest situation, or (ii) remove the conflict of interest in another manner. Formal Resolution Where an employee is perceived to be in conflict of interest, or where there is a disagreement as to whether or not a conflict of interest might exist, a formal complaint shall be laid and resolved, (i) In the case of a member of the B.C.G.E.U., under the terms of the Collective Agreenent with the B.C.G.E.U. (41) In the case of a faculty member, under the terms of the relevant articles of the Collective Agreement between the College and the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association. (iii) In the case of an administrator, under the terms of the "Procedure tor Dealing with Formal Complaints Against Administrators."