Metropolis at Metrotown Metropolis (604) 430-3903 Crystal Square (604) 718-2112 Metrotown Centre (604) 432-9303 101-3855 Henning Or. © (604) 431-2900 4548 Kingsway (604) 431-8810 CAMPBELL RIVER ironwood Mail (250) 850-1535 Cottonwood Mall (604) 858-0017 CLOVERDALE Cloverdale Crossing Shopping Centre {778} $71-0776 COQUITLAM Coquitlam Centre Mall (604) 941-6122 1079-1963 Pinetree Way (604) 945-6162 Coquitlam Ctr, Kiosk (604) 944-8668 1-341 North Rd. (604) 939-4777 COURTENAY Driftwood Mall (250) 703-2008 DELTA Scottsdale Mail (604) 590-9011 102-9250-120th St. (604) $82-9999 110-8067-120th St, {604} 592-9199 Bay Side Village ea TALK AND aa WITH 10 FRIENDS PLUS FREE UNLIMITED INCOMING TEXTS FROM ANYONE PIC D Naam! =$25/MO ee ie Cyn Ua eee LIMITED TIME NOKIA 6086 SONY ERICSSON W350a SONY ERICSSON W580i $1999 $2999 $3999 *on select 3-yr plans. *on select 3-yr plans. Bln ade ime ate ee UL ee eee ee es ae O ROG ey (Source Orocers @ © ROGERS VIDEO (es enter ay Offer ends November 3, 2008. 1 Offer available exclusively for high-school or post-secondary school students; valid student identification required. Unlimited local calls, text, picture and video messages applicable to the 10 phone numbers designated on the MY10 list. Long distance, text to landline and roaming charges are extra where applicable. MY10 terms of service: Only 10-digit Canadian-based phone numbers are eligible for the MY10 service. Customers’ own Rogers Wireless phone number, voice mail retrieval number and special numbers such as 1-800/1-900 are not accepted, One MY10 update per-calendar month is allowed via or Rogers Customer Care or on select phones. No credit applied for numbers entered incorrectly. Excludes premium messages (roaming, international, MSN alerts and promotions). 2 A $6.95 monthly System Access Fee (non-government fee), a monthly 50¢ 911 Emergency Access Fee and a one-time $35 Activation Fee apply in addition to the monthly service fee. Local airtime over the allotted monthly minutes in the plan, fong distance and roaming charges and any additional service options selected and applicable taxes are extra and are also billed monthly. Pricing is based on subscription to a 3-year term service agreement. Early cancellation fees apply. *Most reliable network claim refers to cal clarity and dropped cals test results as conducted by Rogers anda recognized third-party research company inthe majority of urban Canadian centres within the Rogers Wireless GSM footprint, comparing voice services of major wteless providers, ™Trademarks of Rogers Communications Inc. used under license, or of Rogers Wireless. All other brand names and logos are trademarks of their respective owners. © 2008 Rogers Wireless.