News to Peruse, Amuse, and Confuse Brandon Ferguson, Fake News Editor Twas the Plight of Porno Christmas While Mr. Ferguson is a funny fella, and every- one loves a good Christmas tale—the following may not be suitable for all girls and boys. Please address your hate mail and lumps of coal to the writer, not the paper. —Editor aiting solemnly \ X ) in the North Pole Mounted Police’s (NPMP) deten- tion centre last Saturday, miner Yukon Cornelious sat charged with running an underground elf pornography ring. A friend of reindeer and foe of Abominable Snowman, Cornelious adamantly claimed innocence while awaiting a trial date. “This is all one big mis- take. I’m just a patsy,” he said from behind a glass partition, fingering his long beard. “I’m a prospector and a miner, not a prospector of minors. The police have been out to get me for years. Whatever Hermey is say- ing is a lie.” Police wouldn’t: confirm or deny whether Hermey the elf played a central part in the pornography ring or in Cornelious’ arrest, but an anonymous source confirmed that Hermey was the heavy who brought the ring down. “T was there when Hermey made the call,” Ben Affleck said, his name changed for his protection. “Hermey couldn’t han- dle the shame of elf pornography any longer. He kept saying how Yukon was demanding more and more of him, doing some really freaky shit. I even heard there’s a snuff film out there with Hermey, four reindeer, a two-headed vibrating candy cane, and Mrs. Claus.” “Tm definitely glad that I was never asked to play in those reindeer games,” Affleck added. For now, police are only saying that they’ve been made aware of an “intricate web of duplicitous activity that has affect- ed every citizen of the North Pole.” “We have in our possession some materials that go well beyond the norms of good taste,” said NPMP spokesperson, Abby Snowman. “We are currently hold- ing a person of interest for interrogation, but we believe the depravity may reach even deeper and are not ruling out further arrests.” The Other Press has obtained docu- ments that detail the extent of the pornography ring, including a list of pornos made by RudeElf Productions. Titles such as Jingle Balls: Santa’s Big Toy Sack and Donner Does the Dakotas available for $30 apiece. A variety-of sex- ual products were also available for purchase, includ- ing a line of Pere Noél Prophylactics. All money orders wete payable to Whitehorse, Yukon. After lawyers from the Santa’s Legal __ Helpers firm secured Cornelious’ release on bail, I met with the prospec- tor to discuss RudeElf Productions. Wearing a fur coat, Elvis glasses, and licking his jewel-encrusted ice pick, Cornelious responded to the allegations that “Whitehorse” was a cover for him. “That’s ludicrous, baby,” he said, sip- ping Alisé from a goblet. “I’ve been walking the straight and narrow ever since I took down the Abominable Snowman. Yukon’s a legend in this land. Yukon’s big- ger than St. Nick. Yukon’s larger than life. are rd Don’t nobody do more good for this ice- - berg than big poppa Yukon, beeyatch.” I asked when Cornelious had last spo- ken to Hermey, the elf he saved from the Abominable along with Rudolph, and the miner exploded in choppy animated rage. “That little prick done Yukon some setious wrong,” he seethed, walking in awkward circles with mechanical steps. “Who he owe for everything he got? It’s Yukon. Who he owe for his life? It’s Yukon. I loved that boy like he was my own, beeyatch. Then he plays ol’ Yukon like a fool? Fuck dat, yo. Fuck dat like a two-headed dildo.” When pressed for more information on the subject and the dildo, Cornelious stuttered and asked me to leave, claiming: “Me and my lovelies have some biznass to attend to.” Having reached a dead end, I again met with my anonymous soutce to see if I could find Hermey, who hadn’t been seen in weeks. “He’s in hiding,” said Affleck, who— having seen him—I must say has a nose that glows. “I...[...can’t say where he is. No one knows. Will you excuse me for a moment?” My source left for the washroom, and returned far more animated and excited. His clay eyes were glazed over and his pupils were pinpricks. “Yeah, yeah, I can get you to see him! Totally totally totally, we can go now. Not then, but now. Yeah, now! But first a drink. Barkeep! Two whiskeys and a nap- kin please. Hey, hey! Do you think I can touch my nose with my tongue? Yeah, yeah, I can take you to see him.” Affleck led me to a shanty elf hut on the outskirts of town, where I was met by Hermey. His blonde hair was thinning in places and his formerly shiny eyes looked tired and dull. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, his pants were stained and held up by tinsel, and track marks lined his arms like reindeer prints in the snow. We fol- lowed Hermey into a candle-lit room where he slumped on to a mattress. Drug para- phernalia, empty bottles of Peppermint Schnapps, and old pizza crusts cluttered the floor. Affleck sat down and began cooking smack. “This is what I’ve been reduced to,” Hermey said, after clearing his throat of what seemed a decade’s worth of phlegm. “And it’s all Whitehorse’s fault—that’s his nickname, you know. Yukon fucking Whitehorse god- damned Cornelious. The great prospector of minors. Gimme that damned crack, red-nose.” “It’s cooking, it’s cooking,” Affleck said. “Hold up a_ second. You’re worse than that bitch I almost married.” “How did things get like this?” I asked Hermey. Scratching his forearms, the former golden boy of the North Pole sighed and told his story. “After Yukon saved me and Rudy here...” “No names, damnit!” Affleck barked. “Anyways, after the Abominable attack, we were riding high and living the good life—keys to the city, unlimited use of Santa’s sleigh, all the toys and candy canes we could carry. It lasted for years, but Yukon wanted more. He started see- ing Mrs. Claus on the sly, and had a couple Thai-boy elves on the side. Then he got in to the drugs, and he started filming his sexual exploits and selling them.” Asked how this could go on without Santa’s knowledge, Hermey and Affleck laughed. “You think that fat fuck doesn’t know about this?”’ Hermey asked. “He takes the biggest cut of all. Where do you think all the toys come from? The goodness of his heart? He needs the cash for the toys so that he can avoid suspicion. Christmas, cash, and pornography—they’re all the same by different names, man.” Suddenly the door was kicked in, and standing in the doorway was Santa. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf; and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work; and filled all the stock- ings, then turned into a jerk. And laying his finger, inside of his nose; He gave a deep snort, and his upper lip rose. I sprang out the window, and to his team he whis- tled; and away I flew, like the down of a this- tle. But I heard him exclaim, ere I ran from his Saye ht 4 Mee -£ fy Christmas to all. And to all a good night.” becember = 8/20nn