» Other Press A.G.M. By Aeriol Alderking The DCSS AGM was cancelled when Rick Shepherd asked for quorum at thé béginning of the meeting, on Thursday, March 17th. There were approximately 33 people present. The SGM on February 25th was also cancelled when quorum was asked for by Herb Hanna. There were 78 stu- dents at that meeting, but as stu- dents were leaving prior to the end of the meeting, only 60 were present when quorum was called. Herb Hanna said that the reason it is important to have at least 100 students at the meeting is that there be adequate student body repre- sentation. He also said anything passed without quorum is illegal and can be challenged and struck down. The next AGM will be held April 7th. Rick Shepherd said this way "April 7th gives us time to work effectively to achieve quorum because I know someone will call quorum again. If we can get a stu- dent committee to actively pursue the attendance for this AGM, hope- fully we'll have at least a 100 stu- dents there." As quorum was called im- mediately upon accepting the agen- da, no DCSS business was handled. "This next AGM is critical" says Shane Pollack. "If we don’t provide audits on a yearly basis we lose our status as a society and cease to exist." One of the agenda items is to choose the auditors. This is not the only reason to at- tend the AGM though. There are other issues being raised such as the funds being lent to athletics. Four athletes were lent $800.00 to curl in Manitoba with the understanding that the money was to be paid back by December, 1987. Only $100.00 has been paid to date and another cheque for $100.00 bounced. The DCSS also lent $4000.00 to the men’s and ladies’s basketball teams to go to Hawaii to play exhibition _ games. They repaid $2000.00 but were unable to pay the balance and asked the DCSS to write their debt off, which the DCSS did. This is just one example of the agenda items to be discussed. As Shane said, "This is the student’s time to voice their concerns." One concern that might be worthy of ad- dressing is the recent escalation of job action by the DKFA. Another agenda item is the amendments to the DCSS constitu- tion. One such amendment would not allow people who have been impeached from their positions to tun for office for a period of five years. Scott Nelson, who is running for vice president, was impeached from the position of president of the DCSS on February 5th, 1987. Scott was accused of election ir- regularities in the Oct 8th by-elec- tion. This story was covered in the S.0.L Other Press November 10th, 1986 issue. The CRO said that his polling clerks overheard both Scott Nelson and Mike Bouchard telling people to vote for Bouchard. Bouchard’s ballot was pulled by the CRO who was then allegedly threatened by the pair. "I was there when they had their discussion and no threats were made," said Nelson, who added, "put I probably would have hit the son of a bitch." The December 8th minutes of the senate meeting addressed a problem with the ski club social. There was apparently differences in the ticket and raffle sales and $80.00 went missing from the shooter bar. Chris Lirette reported "Revenues turned in were confus- ing. There was money transferred from the shooter bar to the cashier, and the money was not seen for quite a while. The President, (Nel- son) who was a student that night, brought money from the till without proper accounting. The Social co- ordinator chased him back to the DCSS office and brought back a receipt. The sobriety of the Presi- dent was questioned at this time." Scott replied, "This was the third time I collected the money. It is not a matter of sneaking around with the money. I was asked to take the money due to the fact that there was too much in the till to handle." Chris goes on to state that "after the money was counted, the Presi- dent and Mike Bouchard threw the money around the office. It hasn’t been recognized that the executive in charge or the President can take money from the cashier; a serious violation on the part of the Presi- dent." There was a party held after- wards in the DCSS in which Scott took part. There was drinking, dancing on the tables, and beer bot- tles smashed on the floor. Security tried to remove the participants and were met with animosity. Discipli- nary action was taken and Scott was requested to turn in the main office key to Terry Leonard. He was denied access after 9 p.m. and had to make a written and verbal apol- ogy to the security personnel in- volved, Terry Leonard, and the Senate members. There was also a motion at this meeting calling for the resignation of the President. Chris said, "throughout this meeting and pre- vious meetings there has been con- cerns regarding Scott. He states rules are made to be broken." Brent Wilson said regarding the SGM that had been held, "Scott did not ac- knowledge the challenge to the chair and at this time swore and was drinking before and after the meet- ing." Scott said, "he tends to be nervous and wanted a drink." At the Special General Meeting held February 5th, 1987 it was fur- ther found that there were ir- regularities in the quorum count for Monday, March 14, 1988; Volume XXIV: Issue IIX Faculty forced silence By Ronaldo Horvat Faculty walked away from a Douglas College board meeting on March 17 feeling disgruntled and angry at Douglas College administration. At the col- lege board meeting, which a great deal of faculty members attended, Len Millis, President of the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association, said that faculty wanted negotiations to resume in order to squelch any type of job action that faculty might take. To much applause by faculty, Millis presented his cause followed by Fiona Cairns, Vice-President of DCSS, who stated the students view of the situation to the board members present. Cairns said that stu- dents were afraid of possible job action taken by facul- ty and urged administration to resume negotiations and settle on a contract. Bill Day, President of Douglas College, responded by saying that administration was also interested in negotiating a contract. The board members present were then asked if they had any comment. None of them had any com- ments so the meeting moved to the next item on the agenda which was an auction for the Douglas Col- lege Foundation. Faculty walked out of the meeting feeling ig- nored by administration and very angry. Some harsh words were said by faculty as they left the board meeting. Faculty are expected to meet on Monday, March 21 to have another "study session" and discuss pos- sible job action recources. the passing of the athletic levy to which Scott argued that he had done the count himself. It was at this meeting that Scott Nelson was ac- cused of "willful and total abroga- tion” of the student society constitu- tion and was swiftly voted out. During the past year Scott has had to appear before three discipli- nary hearings, one of which was for assaulting the bar manager. He had been instructed not to serve Scott and informed the bar staff to do likewise as it appeared that Nelson was intoxicated. Currently the Yeti Ski Club, of which Scott is Vice-president, has been accused of selling tickets il- legally at their social on February 26th. There appears to be $100.00 missing from ticket sales. Scott in- formed me that the ski club was giving Crimestoppers, $100.00, but this is supposed to be done through the DCSS and Rick Shepherd said that no cheque, to his knowledge, was issued. Later Nelson changed his statement to the effect that the missing money was from ticket revenue that had allegedly been given to the cashier but no receipt was given to the ski club member. Nelson also stated that the ski club would be willing to write the money off so as not to accuse anyone? Scott was also President of Colmneetza high school student council and was impeached for "overstepping his authority and abuse of power.” This is why the DCSS executive believe it is important for students to attend the AGM. It is the oppor- tunity, not only to voice concerns, but ask questions and become more aware of the functions of the DCSS. The Inside Box This Page - Page 1 Candidates, WOW! - Page 2 Sexualt Assault and The Pill - Page 3 Abortions - Page 4 Thanks, Rick - Page 5 Review of "The Hostage" - Page 6 Les Autre Funnies, of course - Page 7