Friday, November 14, 1980. ! The Other Press Would you favor a tuition increase for next year? Bob Henderson: I would be in favor of an increase only if it was paralleled by benifits such as in education, re- creation and administrative duties. \OGSAR ye? © YONIGOSKD odT PY Ron Loveless: No I’m having e trouble paying tuition costs W now and I don’t like the way = people treat my comics. Yes, o Linda’s my cousin. URUAENEATAUAAUAUUU ULLAL UATE EANEMMRANNEU TAAL A OMRON ACETATE UNNNU UAE $ c, 3 oy The 99¢ Movie & : bs =) is = Back 3 ac oh For Good a 3 RARER RARER eee ~- Nov 3-7 Jim Evenless: My mother q D e doesn’t want to ae pay 2 . I don’t like t r. Zhivago Fe ee 2. Nov 12-15 2001 - A Space Odyssey RARER AAAAeR eA ARAeeeRe eee eee Mon - Thurs Friday ’ 8 pm 7:30 pm & 10:30 pm (doors open 7:30) (doors open 7.00) York Theatre : 639 Commercial > (near Hastings) _ LPR nner dada |