: \y@°" we want to know what is in your head, [so we can put better things in the paper for YOU!!! TEE Se ail gs NG es aes et em lc scr ce ba ls ls le a a gen Les se eis ee vas em ko | |ves | no ed : | Ads- too many? L i a you - that the articles in the Other Press are of interest? CIRLE ONE! Do you object to ees of sa i run? ) ; lwl 2 3 kh 5 6 7 8 9 10 high yes no | F He | Do you feel that the subjects have anything to do with your life? why? | | (CTRLE ONE) | mS oy lw 2 3 8h 5 6 7 8 9 lOhigh Do | | you.."+> —— | |'Do you feel that the atricles in the Other Press reflectmi your interestsl : ee “ | Roe yey las a student at Donplas Vollege? too much |ot ot tj rece one) | | swears in — : | lw1 2 3 4h 5 6 7 8B 9 1Ohigh : : e er Press? *s, ! oe | *s 1 | i d why? FUCK YES [ | Ze Lb eee ange and why? Fuck NO] < i + Do you like Bill Vander Zalm? “+, oot 2 Do you think he is doing a good job’. ) Do you think that $4.00 per semester paid to the € as education minister? Why? Other Press is a rip-off? : SOPHO HEH HE EHEEEETEHEE ESET HEHEHE EEE EH ESOS HEE HEHE HEHE HEE SHEEEHEHEEESHHHHHE OHHH EEEH “YL Do you think that the $19.00 you paid to the student / society per semester is a rip-off? _- ; RE re er ae re ee ee ee i Mem EAE CES 1805-20 ss os Tate s ass averincsescncnees este: SY } : mupee What is your favorite color? --:-+++seeeseceeeeceeeeeeeeeeees Site eters (ain sia edie oN oiele's k vies « Sian treclas k's oaks bo be sede sad Lomiestli issih « agin, oO en alte. —— : wane Do you enjoy life? Are you happy right now? Why? -+-++++++esseccsecseeeeeeecescesecuesensceecassnesensseseuenens Pretend you are an anarchist, and you have only enough explosives to destroy one of: a Red Hot Video outlet; a Litton Systems plant; or B.C. Place. You may choose one or none. Which and why?