TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD of | honour, in F . , at = 3 a Hl 2n 1 On April 24th, our second { formal em rene orientation session. occurred. < Partic ipants ‘indicated t that it - "a valuable evday. © 7 ; | \ i = extended illness. ue 4 Dr, Sohn Hopkins, a recent Board Menber, died last eek af Dr. Hopkins | was a much loved man and his funeral was ‘attended by several hundred p ‘Morfey, Mrs. Gena Ballantyne, and 1, attended on want? Eas administration, while the_ was representat Gerry Trerise, Dr. Pauline Hughes, and Mrs. Pat Cook. te se } | ae ey . dat ats Rite May 21, 1987. 1 a oe Ps Ridge, : oe bi sca by Mr. nd oie On May 14, the annual luncheon for Douglas oa oe wa haat ie ‘Eight former employees of the Colle ge _were. in atten eas o the ‘four additi at this time. i informal visitation and wine and cheese were well attended, happy epee RE. et Belatedly, I would Tike to acknowledge | the ‘fact, that Dr. DellaMattia, Dean of, Educational and Student Services, | : aS We ee ae ‘This is a demanding type ‘the same time an acknowl f eee having Dr. DellaMattia asked to act in th Mr. Al Atkinson, Director of - Studen: it Education, has been elected as Chair Information Centre, which -coordin a consortium of co ua Ms. Virginia Chisholm, Dir Dir appointed to the UBC Gradu uate Committee. =n, y i! . iW 1 Such external? ibeckaad aed responsibili of past contribution of pe ople wor field of post-. the College ict in eople retiri > lunch on was a pl easurable event, eee 1 WL0/gb | WA ea 7: ‘Seby ices and Developmental i n of the Board of ates and ‘provides | inf ileges | and other institutions ‘on the we mair an yt stor: ‘of Learnin: ng - Resoure ces ‘has. ee pars “School Ep Library ‘Science “Advisory: eats ee A ol lege secondary education, but are also the means | by” access to sources of information will be ia increasing assistance in its, oe, mi ing from the _Col ater ot the the Educational ‘and. sane that rte a > as guests sel i has acted = he External Audit Team for ie ‘Valiey. ‘College, profe ssional duty, but, ae mined ar at a i ag of the esteem of community. os very pleased that mine college | ves honoured by — capacity, ; edu ormat i tion for f ee AG alt dats nr. ie i ia : iti es are: not only a recognition eae to the roader ; wh ich le - ca a _ — ci ie vi if a ra fo iL at ay i re i i] fs." ny 4 : 1 r 1 4 | tf oy . iv + I \ ine | : Lae + I rahi 5 nt i i eee 1 I l j rey i 1 em A pA : ye iin T= " I Py ke i i ' < ete i ie re 1 1 ond \ ’ et data to tae bat! a mts “1s - bh uF I ergy ra f "ye veer I i ri ¢ a. ‘ " | ie : ana ' toate. Ae a a