Section Three solicits information about respon- dents’ plans after leaving college, especially whether respondents now have a job where they will continue to work, have been offered a job, or will look for a job later. Respondents are also asked if they expect to use their training on the job, the type of job they anticipate looking for, their expected starting pay, and if they plan to continue their training at any time in the future. Section Four is designed to gather general comments from students on various aspects of college life. Significance of POL Survey A point-of-leaving survey can be extremely valuable to educational institutions in terms of assessing the quality of a vocational program from the perspective of its graduates. As well, results of POL surveys benefit the students before graduation. ¢ A POL survey enables administrators to understand the perceptions and the problems of students before they graduate. ¢ Since the overwhelming majority of AVC students were unemployed at the time of admission, the results of a POL survey may serve as a basis for the development of job-hunting skills or job counseling for graduating students. ¢ Students in vocational programs are overwhelm- ingly oriented to work force entry; the survey offers timely insight into problems that prospective graduates envisage in their transition from school to work, particularly those who hed bcen unemployed for many years. A POL survey can be used to assess the perceived information needs of job hunters. ¢ A POL survey can assess how well students are prepared to meet the very real challenges of the employment marketplace. e¢ A POL provides one of the best means of collecting reliable, representative, and cost-effective, empiri- cally based data on students. It is a valid means of assessing opinions among a representative group of students. e¢ A POL survey is a means of assessing quality assurance in vocational education. It depicts the image the graduate of a vocational program takes with them to the labor market. e A POL permits a comparative analysis of graduates’ perceptions of their vocational! training before and after graduation. ¢ Comments from graduates on various aspects of college life are useful in guiding administrators in meeting the needs of new students. e A POL survey reveals future educational plans of graduating students, particularly those in academic upgrading. Those who intend to further their education can be recruited into AVC career pro- grams. ef Alberta Vocational College, Lac La Biche, has found a that the best approach is to conduct a triangulation of student surveys annually, including student point-of- entry, point-of-leaving, and follow-up. Bob Adebayo, Research Coordinator, Planning, Research & Development For further information, contact the author at Alberta Vocational College, Lac La Biche, P.O. Box 417, Lac La Biche, Ab. TOA 2C0, CANADA. Suanne D. Roueche, Editor October 18, 1991, Vol. XIli, No. 24 INNOVATION ABSTRACTS is a publication of the National Insttute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD), ©The University of Texas at Austin, 1991 Department of Educatonal Administration, College of Education, EDB 348, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas Further duplication is permitted by MEMBER 78712, (512) 471-7545. Funding in part by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and the Sid W. Richardson Foundation. Issued weekly institutions for their own personnel. when classes are in session during fall and spring terms. ISSN 0199-106X. Bae ope