cerca he— Mad Hatter | arch 29, 1988 A Douglas College Newslette ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT SCORES BIG he Douglas College Athletics Department gets high scores for their presentation of $16,000 to create a Student Athletic Scholarship Endowment Fund at the last Foundation Board meet- ing held on March 7, 1988. Betty Lou Hayes, Co-ordinator of Athletics and Intramurals, in- troduced second-year Douglas College students Brenda Cope and Rick Messich to present the donation to the Foundation. Both students are members of the Douglas College Basketball teams. The money was raised by the Douglas College Athletics depart- ment mainly through fund-raising ventures including pub nights, socials, bingo, casinos, and ye6............ even wres- tling. "The Athletics department has been raising money for the scholarship fund for quite some time," says Hayes. “Ever since I stepped foot into my office back at Winslow campus in November 1982 and raffled off a “Texas Mickey’ only to find out later it was illegal,” she says. Hayes says she is very pleased that the scholarships will be avail- able soon. "We have all the criteria and we will probably start looking at high school students planning to enroll at Douglas Col- lege and possibly 1st and 2nd ycar students,” she says. The Athletics department is also planning to continue to con- tribute to the fund as often as possible. From left to right: Terry Kirstein, Head Coach Men’s Hockey team , Peter Webster, Chairman of the Douglas College Founda- tion, Steve Beauchamp, Head Coach Men’s Basketball team, Brenda Cope, Women’s Basketball team, Rick Messich, Men's Basketball team and Betty Lou Hayes, Co-ordinator of Athletics and Intramurals. IN THE HAT Acclaimed Guitarist returns to BC. Student Venture Loan Program Intemational Business Conference Graduation Upcoming Events Year-End Inventory Group Advising Sessions Blood Donor Clinic Job Vacancies President's Report Innovation Abstracts