‘Mad Hatter Page 4 Academic Advising/Program Information Due to the growing numbers of students requiring college program/ i university transfer information, the Educational Planners will be offering on-going Group Advising Sessions. Each session will provide information| on one paces pecgrany pares! eee ee elo a eet 2 ee service ae neveina tenes en information. ; ALY new or prospective students or students in the system planning a career change should attend one (or more if they choose) of these sessions. If they still require follow-up informat ion after the session then an individual appointment can be nae es a Students ini. the system requiring further course Planning shoula book an individual appointment. , um ates ln abe For information regarding day/time/room of sessions, pienacucontace the receptionist in the Counselling Centre, Room 2760 eee eee Sessions are free, re-registration is not eer fa i= Each week, sessions will be offered ; in the follov wand Breage 1) University Tranfer er = lst Year rts (inet. ee Soc. Work) we): One LeeY Tranfer (vu. r.) - lst Year Science are i | pea Agricultural Science . -. } ~ Rehabilitation Medicine a fe erin is iy = Pre-Veterinary 3) Computer Science - University Transfer hae i 5 4) Commerce & Business - University Transfer _ 5) Business Management Career Programs (Certificate & Diploma) General Secretarial Legal Secretarial Word Proc ssing Specialist Bookkeeping/Data Entry f 6) Office Administration