Mad Hatter Page 2 Parking 7 P2 The P2 level of the Parkade has been closed. Card users will be able to exit from the gate on P2. All lights except emergency lighting, as well as the air handling sy- stems will be turned off. All levels will reopen on or about August 27th. West Graydon All Personnel: I will be on vacation from Thursday, July 19th to Monday, August 13th, 1984. During that period of time, the Acting President will be: Bill Morfey - July 19 to August 5 Jim Doerr - August 6 to August 12 Bill Day An Apology This apology is extended to the Nursing Department for any inconvenience it may have been caused in reference to the following. Alas, incorrect information was giyen in the last issue of the Mad Hatter regarding availability of a First Aid Attendant. It was stated than an attendant would be available from July 13th to July 24th. It should have read, will NOT be available. — Still More Vacation Time Vacation Time I will be on vacation from July 16th to August 13th, 1984, inclusive. Acting Deans during my absence will be: Jack Ferguson - Academic Programs Div. Bill Morfey - Applied Programs Div. (for the balance of July) Terry Clement - will arrive on August 1, to take up his position as Dean of Applied Pro- grams. Gordon Gilgan I will be on vacation from July 16th to August 13th, 1984, inclusive. Acting Deans during my absence will be: Virginia Chisholm - July 16 to August 3 Al Atkinson - August 7 to August 13 Gerry Della Mattia