Mad Hatter Page 8 Student Loans IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING 1984/85 STUDENT LOANS The student loans applications for the 1984/85 school year are now available in the Student Finance Office. These applications are even more complex than they have been in the ast and we are encouraging all first time applicants to attend a Student Finance Wee nee where we will detail what kind of assistance is available and_will provide as- sistance in completing the applica-— tion form. Date, times and sign-up sheets for the workshops are in the Student Finance Office. Many . crucents will be asking about tuition deferrals and emergency loans to cover them in the event that their loan does not arrive by registration time, Our policy:this feet is that we will grant tuition eferrals and emergency loans for books and supplies only providing a Complete +7 correct loan application was submitted to our office no later than August l. Beet cat lens that have to be returned to the student for corrections will be considered received when the corrected applica- tion is returned to this office. Our office hours are; Tues., Wed., 1300-1630 (with some Rosetbie closures during lunch hour due to staff vacations). Mon., Fri. 1000-1630 Thur. For information and.assistance, stu- dents can contact either Anne Fenton or Julie Steele in the Student Fin- ance Office. Julie Steele Program Name Change At the meeting of the Douglas Col- lege Board on June 21, 1984, the Board approved _a change _in name for the Homemaker Training Program to a - \ | the Home Support Worker Program. This change means that the new | name will be more in line with the role and gxpeckat Lone of personnel in this field. Dean on Vacation Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Pro- grams and Services, will be on vacation from July 2 to July 27. In his absence, Larry Davies_will be Acting Dean of Community Pro- grams and Servcies Division. Larry may be contacted by leaving mes— sages with Jean Hammer, local 4903. | | Fitness Classes | Stretch, strength and endurance. fitness classes from enthusiastic instructors! piers Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- day through July...this is for anyone who needs a lunchtime work- ou oO (1210 to 1250 hours). | | | Monthly rate - ee (staff & stu- ents with card) - $20 (non-college people) Drop in fee - $2 | What a deal for gone quality in- struction!....Get in shape for summer! Call Allison @ 521-4605 or Cyndy @ 437-4959 if you are interested. Thank you Allison Gillespie Reserve Lists Just _a reminder to Douglas bol tege Faculty that reserve lists for the Fall '84 semester are due as soon as possible. The deadline for sub-. 4 '