MAD HATTER PAGE 4 » ) douglas college Inter Office Memo Date: March 10, 1983. To: | Douglas College Board and Administration From: ___William L. Day f Re: Board Workshop, Thursday, March 3/83. _ The workshop was attended by most members of the College Board, the President, Staff Assistant to the President, Deans, and Bursar. The Board reviewed the intent and significance of the "specified assumptions" provided by the Ministry as the context within which the Strategic Plan is to be developed. In addition, the Board reviewed the proposals of the administration regarding the specific meaning of these assumptions as 5 nO Douglas College. Following this review, the Board discussed implications, both short- and long-term, for the College. The following statements represent my panosacienc of the consensus opinion of the Board on these matters. These are, therefore, to be viewed as the directives under which the administration of the College should operate in fulfilling its obligations to the Ministry: 1. The Pouglas Colleqe Statement of Philosophy is to be viewed as the primary guideline to our planning assumptions. 2. The "specified assumptions" provided by the Ministry are to be respected and complied with within the constraints dictated by the Douglas College Philosophy. «ihe planning assumptions which specify a given rate of reduction of "purchasing power" are to be respected, only to the point where the continued existence of Douglas College is a Community College in the sense defined in the College philosophy statement, is considered to be in jeopardy.