February 7, 1983 ! | The Mad Hatter _A Douglas College Newsletter DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES - Special Edition Douglas College Strategic and Operational Plan To: All College Personnel From: Bill Day This special edition of The Mad Hatter is intended to provide information to all members of our College community concerning the Ministry of Education's intentions regarding the Colleges and Institutes of the Province over the next five years. The attached summary document, created by Ed Redmond, synthesizes information from Draft 2 - "System Objectives, 1982-87", and "Guidelines ‘for the Preparation of College Strategic and Operational Plans" dated December 20, 1982. The first document has not been formally ratified by the Minister of Education, and is still under discussion and review by the B.C. Association of Colleges. However, it provides the only current statement from the Ministry of Education regarding its intentions, and we are required to address the document, either through compliance, or clearly stated alternatives, in the development of the College "Strategic Plan" for the period 1983-88. The College Plan, like those of all other Colleges and Institutes in the Province, must be deposited with the Ministry no later than June 1. The work carried out last spring and summer on our First Draft Five Year Plan will provide much of the information required for our document, although the format of the plan must adhere to the Ministry's Guidelines. Members of the College community who worked last spring and summer on the plan, therefore, can be assured that their work will not have been lost. The Editorial Committee for the plan is composed of myself, your Deans, and the Bursar, and the staff work and co-ordination of the Committee's work is carried out by Ed Redmond. The Committee meets every Tuesday afternoon, for the entire afternoon, in order to assure that this important task is carried out on schedule. The entire plan is founded upon certain "Specified Assumptions" and "Institutional Assumptions". These assumptions are clearly the most important elements of the plan - the remainder of which then is simply a working out of an information base - essentially a staff job.