On the outside a TRAINING FOR ADULT EDUCATORS Winter/Spring 1978 Sponsored by Adult Research Centre and Centre for Continuing Education The University of British Columbia Registration forms for any of the following workshops ,.can be obtained from the Centre of Continuing ‘Education, U.B.C. JANUARY 27-28 - 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. THE TEACHER OF ADULTS An introductory course for teachers of adults who have no previous training in education. Lectures, demonstrations, _ and group discussions will be organized around the stages in the "life cycle" of a typical adult education program. phasis on the development of strate- © for dealing with problems and con- erns of teachers of adults. FEE: $55. (includes lunches, materials and text book) FEBRUARY 10, 11 and 12 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. | HOW TO USE YOUR PROTABLE VTR CREATIVELY A "hands-on" introduction to portable me for people. employed in institutions with access to television equipment. Participants will learn how to use portable VTR equipment in "field" and indoor settings. You will be introduced | to the VTR, graphics layout, lighting, sound, and problems associated with a single camera set-up. You will also be introduced to innovative appli- cations of VIR technology pertaining to problems encountered by adult edu- cators, community developers, trainers in business and industry and others engaged in educational applications of media. The course will be indi- @uiks so participants can work problems unique to their work environments. FEE: $100. (includes lunches, materials, equipment rentals) I DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES FEBRUARY 24, 25 and 26 9-a.m. to 4:30 p.m. VTR TECHNIQUES FOR ADULT EDUCATORS AND TRAINERS Participants will learn to use a simple two-camera VTR set-up similar to that found in most educational institutions. Emphasis on use of studio or mini-studio equipment for instruction in areas such as human relations training, interviewing, sales and the creation of training "films". Participants will spend nearly all the available time engaged in "hands-on" exercises, where they will learn the fun- damentals of lighting, sound and switching. FEE: $100 (includes lunches, materials equipment rentals) MARCH 10-11 - 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. THE CONTINUING EDUCATION ADMINISTRATOR: MANAGER OR VICTIM OF CHANGE? Change is the only constant in the world of continuing education today. With the deterioration of the economic situation for all educational institutions, the existence of their adult education units is being threatened. School trustees are examining their commitment to adult education and some are ready to relinquish all responsibility in the area to other institutions. In institutions of higher education academic departments and other units are beginning to perceive the con- tinuing education function as a way of attracting a new clientele and a way of increasing income. Typically those who are viewing continuing education as a way out of their current difficulties are not eager to co-operate with existing continuing education departments in the development and management of such programs. Con- tinuing education administrators are re- sponsible for designing their programs in ways that will guarantee their survival in an increasingly unfavourable economic environment. Political sophistication and the competence to manage change are becoming essential to the continued existence and expansion of the services ‘which continuing education administrators seek to provide for their communities. FEE: $50. (includes lunches and materials) over > ay