NEWS!!! EXCERPT FROM LETTER FROM COLUMBIA COLLEGE- JIM ANDERSEN, ENGLISH CO-ORDINATOR, TEZ/ COLUMBIA PROGRAM. "September of 1981 will mark the begin- ning of the fourth year of Columbia's exchange program with Tezukxayama Junior College of Nara, Japan. Aporoximately .. 70 students participate in this 5 month study-tour of B.C. each year. I am writing to ask for your help in making the "Canadian Experience" a rich, varied and meaningful one for these overseas students, who wish to contribute to, as well as learm about, our community. I would appreciate knowing if we can get tegether to discuss the possibility of involving these students in any social, cultural, musical or athletic activities at your institution. f n exchange, our students can offer yours a variety of truly educational axperiences. They are skilled in traditional and mod- ern arts: folk dnacing and singing, Slower arrangement, oregami (Japanese paper-folding), tea ceremony; modern dance and music, Painting and ceramics. Our students are also skilled in sports such as volleyball, bacminton and table-tennis. These skills are ones which our students are willing and able to share with Canadian students . The students are all young women between the ages of 18 and 20, attending Tezukayama Junior College, where they major in English Conversation. In Canada, they live with Canadian families, most of whem Live in or near Coquitlam. While most of the students are at an intermediate level of English proficiency, they are nonetheless all eager to meet young English-speaking Canadians in in- formal educational settings." Anyone interested in participating, olease contact Gerry DellaMattia, Local 224, New Westminster. Mad Hatter Page 3. CHRISTMAS CLOSURE The College Management Committee has approved Christmas closure for vocation- al courses from December 24 to January 3, inclusive. Library The Library has available a number of wire paperback racks. These are hung from neg- boards and are about two feet leng with a capacity of 25 caperbacks each. Please send your requests by mail to Ralph Stanton at the Winslow site. Cathy McDonald has been seconded to the Ministry of Education in Richmond, to develop a post secondary Provincial Resource Centre from June 1 - March 31/82 FOR RENT HOME FOR RENT FACULTY OR STAFF Four bédrceom executive home with view of Inlet. Semi-furmished and all epoliances, two fireplaces, family reom and balcony. No Pets and ref. required - $350 per month Call 936-0153 for further information. HURRY! HURRY! Only three left - loverly KITTENS. To gcod homes. Phone Joan, Surray Campus Lec. 224 or 531-8118