, The Mad Hatter Douglas College Newsletter. TES iV 3 ES eer AR PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS COLLEGE WIDE ASSEMBLY Wednesday, October 23, 1985 In preparation for this presentation, I have reviewed the scripts from my presentations over the past four years. Not surprisingly their topics reflect the challenges for the College at the time, and the strategies and tactics that we were proposing to use in response. They commenced with presentations made on what was then to be a new organization, at the time of the split of the old Douglas into | | two new colleges, and then reflected the challenge and excitement of planning and moving into a major new campus. 10d | 7 Then, three years ago, we were all struggling with the problems and the psychology of an immediate financial crisis not only at the institutional level, but at the provincial level. MY OV ivi Two years ago, having surmounted the immediate crisis, we were all concerned with longer term implications of financial problems, and a changed psychology regarding the education system, and its relationship | | to the government and the general public. Last year, we were ina ie position to present, with some clarity, our management strategies for dealing with longer term financial constraints, while maintaining the fabric of the college. We also essayed some projections for the future, which dealt with assumptions for the economy, our society, and our student population, and implications for our own operations. IN THE HAT: College wide Assembly Address Notices Upcoming Events For Sale Co-operative Education Update Group Advising Sessions Innovation Abstracts