INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 10, 1989 C Faculty Workshop Series II (Fall 1989) @ "Instructional Media Services" @ | "Critical Thinking" Open House This workshop will explain what is meant by ‘critical Instructional Media Services better known as IMS is a thinking’, distinguishing it from creative thinking, multimedia production centre, dedicated to supporting problem-solving and other notions of “thinking”. teaching at the Callege. Participants will be introduced to classroom - related This Open House will acquaint you with how IMS may techniques which promote the development of Critical assist you in creating quality teaching aids (devices) or Thinking Skills. in providing assistance with your special projects. Presenter: John Black, Philosophy instructor, Presenter: IMS Staff recently completed writing the Date: October 3, 1989 (Tuesday) section on Critical Thinking in the Time: 1200-1400 report, Meeting Challenges Across Location: Room 3142 (3rd Floor North, the Curriculum behind the Thheatse) Date: October 31, 1989 (Tuesday) @ “Learning Styles" Time: e Leaming Styles, as an orientation to teaching and Location: 1811 leaming, proposes that students demonstrate unique @ "CD ROM Demonstration" relative strengths and weaknesses in the manner in which they access information from a teaching en- vironment. CD ROM siands for Compact Disk Read Only Memory. It is a very powerful piece of computer technology which is located in our Main Library for This workshop will assist you to identify the mix of use by the College Community. leaming styles in your classes. In addition it will assist you to design Icaming activities which will-take into consideration the preferred styles of your students (learmers). CD technology enables the storage of vast quantities of information which in tum may be accessed easily by the user. CD ROM puts at our fingertips several computer pack- ages: 1, Microsoft Bookshelf 2. The Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia 3. The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific Terms 4, The P.C. Sig (1200 + public domain programs available for copying-free of charge) 5. Programmer's Library (Manuals & Program You will identify your own preferred and backup learning styles using Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles Questionnaire. Kolb’s Experiential Leaming Model will also be presented for your consideration. Presenter: Eugene Hrushowy (Faculty P.D, Consultant & Instructor in the Child & Youth Care Program) Routines) Date: ries gant 189 6. P Census (Canadian Census - B.C. Section) Location: 3810 continued NE ee TMT EG ce