' be NEWSFLASH it 4 WORK AS A CAREER? month-end CAREER SEMINAR 3rd Seminar/Workshop FILM with GUEST SPEAKERS ! t.b.a. | | (watch For flyer and posters) | Joment os from 12 noon to 2 pm on all three campuses #105 # 120 # t.b.a. N.W. Campus — Mon., March 24 / Rm. Richmond ~- Tues.,March 25 / Rm. Surrey - Mon., March 31 / Rn. COFFEE and Drees Cae (15 mins.) | ARE YOU TAKING PSYCHOLOGY? ARE YOU INTERESTED. IN ANTHROPOLOGY OR THE FIELD OF SOCIAL THE FOLLOWING IS DESIGNED TO GUIDE YOU IN YOUR INTERESTS. * SOCIAL SCIENCES Concerns itself with the social scientists who deal with the transmission and communication of knowledge and information on human social behaviour. Covers occupations such as anthropolo- | gists, economists, historians, political scientists, soctal psychologists, socivlogists, social statisticians, social geographers and social workers. YOU'LL FIND IT A SOCIABLE FILM! i 7 ‘ t | é | ! i! " Ane aren se et ore ~-_- | t Sys eieet ml i oe