issue 14 // volume 42 humour // no. 23 Screening process 1n question » Many wondering how safe Santa's toys are for American homes Chandler Walter Humour Editor S question the legitimacy—or even existence—of a screening process for the toys Santa brings America’s youth. an American,” said concerned mother of three Janet Everly. “There’s no knowing what kind of things he will bring every December; the screening process is non-existent.” Everly said she is grateful for the free toys and for having the man as a centrepiece for her favorite holiday, but in this day and age it “just isn’t worth the risk” to allow Santa Claus into our homes. This December 25, burning long through the night, as her own form of protection from the terror that may be coming from the North Pole. “What’s more is he expects us to feed him!” Everly commented during an interview. “First we are supposed to allow him into our country, into our homes, and still he demands milk and cookies!? It’s outrageous.” Everly stated that she is more than prepared for a Santa- less Christmas this year, having recently purchased most of her children’s presents on sale this past Black Friday. “I had : to wrestle three grown men off : of a Star Wars Lego set, but a : blood-stained box at 50 per cent : off is better than who knows Aw outcry has called into what from the North Pole.” Everly is currently under investigation in a case relating : to four people left dead during : the Black Friday Bonanza at “It’s dangerous, he isn’t even : her local mall, but refused : to comment on that under : the advice of her lawyer. She is not the only one : finding Santa’s visit a hard : pill to swallow this year, as : discussion has flared up over : the Internet about which : side to stand on. Many are : arguing that the process is : too lax, and that even one : bad elf could cause serious : harm to American children, : while others are stating that : obviously Santa picks his Everly plans on keeping her fires : < : worker elves with utmost care. The big man himself weighed in on the matter: “To : think that my well-meaning : elves would have anything : other than goodwill towards the : beautiful children and families : of America is ridiculous! There : is an intense interview process : that each elf goes through : before even being considered : for work in the shop, with piles : of documents for each and : every one of them. It’s a very : detailed and thorough process. : Frankly, they’re all so thankful : to get the job, there’s no way any : of them would even consider : trying anything sinister.” Image via thinkstock Transit etiquette » The dos and don'ts of riding the bus Josh Visser Columnist hen I ride on transit, especially when it’s shoulder-to-shoulder, I’m always careful to angle my phone downward to make sure no one can read the messed up thoughts I’m frantically typing. Don't be like me, distancing yourself from the other commuters by being on your phone the whole time. Where’s the fun in that? Why not be intrusive, the more abrasive the better. I present to you a list of things to do to quicken your commute while totally exhibiting traditional and well- regarded transit etiquette: © Keep your outer thighs pressing against the people next to you. ® Read over the shoulder of your neighbour. Ifyou know what comes next, tell the person so they don’t have to waste their time by reading further. They will thank you for it. ® Talk on the phone in an out- side voice about something incriminating—or, at the very least whatever makes you look like a total douche. © Interrupt and make your business other people’s con- versations while providing valuable insight on them. ® Watch others with lingering eyes. ¢ Listen to loud music, prefer- ably with your speakers on near blast. Or, even better: sing along voraciously. Try and get others to join along. ¢ Smoke your vape. I mean, you saw someone else do it, so clearly all 26 other people on the bus must be cool with it too. * If someone of relative frailty is struggling to find a seat and you are a well-bodied human, stay where you are. That way, you can keep a firm eye on them to make sure they do not fall. ® On the off-chance the bus is late, be sure to jaw at the bus driver so the driver is aware of the present traf- fic situation and feeling fully at fault for any delays caused in your schedule. We all share transit. What : you do while on it is totally up : to you, as you are hopefully : a fully autonomous person : (as opposed to a robot)... : but just remember there are : sometimes up to 30 other bored : people there. So take it upon : yourself to entertain them : by making an ass of yourself : by following this guide. Image via thinkstock