Classifieds. Lost Head. Identifiable by rusted screws in and around base. Accommodations Hovel located under Columbia Skytrain station. Must like small, fanged animals. Fresh Personals loneybunch: Meet me in my love haven when the moon is nih Poopyhead athryn...| wuv you, Im $000 sorry for ditching you all those times. Please give me back your apartmént keys. |'ll be Sood. William iles: Please don't call me a StankyBichto. Diana all, dark, handsome man with oral fixation seeks short redhead to tease for 6+ years. Some ditching. Must like NY Knicks. Churchless, chain-smoking __ fecluse seeks pointy-bosomed Mata Hari for conspiricies, lin- gerie parties, and world domi- nation. Call CSM I'm missing one arm, but I'm missing you more. Lean, leather-loving rat seeks the one who will make him _ complete. For Sale _. Small, homicidal wooden doll.Should be kept away from sharp objects and firearms. | am selling a Raven 24 pin dot matrix printer. It prints in black and white. Book and cables are included. $25 obo. Call Jenn @ 313-4030 leave a message. r. ‘79 Mustang, 6cyl. automatic, new back brakes, 2yr. transmission, runs good 588-9757 or pg. 320-9545 Volunteer Opportunities : Varker at the New West ~ Youth Centre and make a differ- - ence in the life of a teen. Call Expect results from certi- 526-1938 or drop-in Wed-Sat 6pm-11pm at 830-Sixth Street. Ask for Izzy. Volunteer at Ed's House of Discount Surgery. We're always in need of a few helping organs. Services Students astercard that can pa itself off—even make you $s¢ Sound too good to be true? Find out for yourself! Call 450- 0416 for more.... ThumbSuckers Anonymous. Share your damp, wrinkled shame with our many salivating celebrants. All Budget Computer & Parts. Clearance Used & New Computers. Sales, Repair, Upgrade Specialists 724B-12th Street, New West. Mon-Sat 10- 6pm, Call 604-515-1033. Unique ways to deal with your ‘problems’. Two-for-one deals on exsanguination and defenestration. | CONVERSATION. Experienced and certified ESL Canadian teacher. Learn vocabulary, idioms, phrases and pro- nunciation. Group Lessons: 1-4 students, 2-3 hours, 2-4 days, 4 weeks $300 each. Private Lessons: $20.00/hr. SAT- ISFACTION GUARAN- TEED. Call Mr. Joe Pelech at 524-8841. lost 20 pounds in four weeks! Free samples now available. Learn Japanese: fied Japanese teachers! Days - Evenings - Weekends, Shibano Academy, #201-601 W. Broadway, 351-5830/738- 1235 Fax: 738-1231. Announcements Afraid of speaking in public? Come to Douglas College Toastmasters, 7pm Thursdays, Douglas College, New Westminster, call Kathy at 525- 6748 for info. Pale, raven tressed agora- phobes craving full-blooded companionship for late night passion fests are cordially invit- ed to join The Colony. Carpenters and spice enthusi- asts need not appl Wanted: Students of all ages, origins, genders and sex- ualities, to join the Pride Collective. Must be queer- friendly! Meetings 4:30 pm Mondays in Room 110 of the Student Society Building. e- mail: confidential voicemail: 527- 5474 ext 4550. 18-year-old female with strong vocal skills seeks band members to form a pop group to send out demo tapes to major record labels. Goal: Fame, Fortune and Self- Get your clever banter published in the classi- fieds. It’s easy, fun, and almost completely pain- less. Come on down to the OP and ask for your ticket to ride the fine print highway. June 1999 the Other Press Expression. Serious inquiries only, please. Have to be hard- working and self-motivated not to mention can either sing very well or play musical instru- ments. Contact: Fresh Classifieds! Yum Need help proofreading/typing your paper at unbelievably low prices? Then contact Proofreaders at 522-8893 or e- mail us at proofreaders@yahoo com reliable Douglas College stu- dent, who charges less than any other babysitter, can now take care of your child. References will be supplied upon your request. Please con- tact Sara at 522-8893 page 23