October 14th to 28th 1982 The Other Press a page ll by Kevin Manson The familiar trend in the school’s funding system this year is cutbacks. It seems College sports programme will feel the crunch of those cutbacks (However, in these days of recession it is hard not to understand that sports would be the first on the list of cutbacks). Why? Accord- ing to school athletes these cutbacks will hurt Douglas College, as the programme is still in the growing stage. In order for our college’s sports programme to survive, the school’s athletes are going to have to pull harder in their own tund raising activities. So for all you fans and other college members, we urge you to help support our youthful sports programme. If this plan works, the teams, the college and the commun- ity will benefit. Good luck and more to come. Canucks by Wes MacDonald The Canucks started the new season in style as they came out flying against the powerhouse New York Islan- ders and sent them down to defeat 2-1. A stalwart defen- se and strong performances from both Richard Brodeur and all four forward lines made the Islanders pay for everything they gained. Sparkling performances from the Vancouver rookies, © especially Patrick Sundstrom makes the coming season look like a promising one indeed. Sundstrom’s style is rem- inicent of the great Gene Beliyeau and he adds a lot of class and poise to the Vanc- ouver attack. Sundstrom will be a force to reckon with in the future and he should take some of the wieght off of Thomas Gradin and Stan Smyl in the leadership dep- artment.(look for him in the rookie of the year balloting). The game seemed to just pick up where last years Stanley Cup finals left off. Both Vancouver goals were scored when the fourth line of, Tiger Williams, Ron Delorme, and Gerry Minor, was on the ice, which shows the depth of the Canucks this season. Sport World In Short The fans chanted and waved thier white towels around which created a generally festive atmosphere. Look out N.H.L. the Can- ucks are back, and their for real. B.C. Sports by Wes MacDonald You may ask yourself what this all about, well ask away and then repeat the question in your'mind e.g. The Van- couver Canucks, long the doormat of the National- Hockey League, until just last year. In fact they vidict- icated themselves to some extent by reaching the Stan- ely Cup finals. Want to bet they won’t do it again this year? The B.C. Lions the prover- bial chockers of the C.F.L. They always start with a great and spectacular rush and tear the League apart then slide down in a deep abyss for the Second half of the’ season and*are never heard from again. Maybe this year? I think the entire province went into shock when the Vancouver Whitecaps came back with the ’79 Soccer Bowl championship. Some pee say superb play- I say uke. They’ve never come close since. Please N.B.A. and Major League Baseball, don’t plant franchises in our fair prov- ince they are destined to be big failures. The fans will come because they’re used to it, but save us the humil- iation. . by Brian Other Recreation Pharez What? Canada Games Pool can increase grades? How? Seminars? Courses? Do your homework for you? I don’t understand. None of the above. The adverage student is so busy doing homework and study- ing that stress or tension can slowly build up without the student being aware of it. This tension may cause- sleepless nights, difficulty concentrating, or the inabil- ity to retain quantities or recently learned material. The latter is especially not- iceable on tests (after cram- ming or having studied over a period of time.) The stud- ent knows the material being tested, but can ‘blank out’ under the least bit of press- ure. The very suggestion of a time limit can do this. Those are the allegedly possible causes of poor ma- rks. So, how does the Canada Games Pool increase your grades? The priniciple meth- od of releasing tension is relaxation, Sleep is a main factor, but sleeping is diffic- ult if one can’t relax while awake. Breathing exercises are a start, but not the whole Continued on.... page 14 Z EXTRAVAGANZA. Now youre talkin taste. R/A\ © MALT LIQUOR LIQUEUR DE MALT -