Faculty and Human Resource Development Workshops Brown Bag Seminars All Brown Bag Seminars are from 12 noon to 2 pm unless otherwise stated. Piloting a Student Success Course Th, Mar 4 Developing a Caring Curriculum Tu, Mar 16 Promoting language Across the Curriculum - Th, Mar 25 Call 5472 to register. Starting with Learning: Issues for Teaching Writing and the use of Inclusive Language Fr, Mar 19, -- 12 - 2 pm, Boardroom International/Intercultural Education Net- work Mo, Mar 22, 2 - 4 pm Boardroom Satellite Video Conferences Enhancing Campus Climate: Involving the Community - We, Mar 24 09:00 - Pre-conference overview Room 0602 Hype helps hoop Ah, the lure of controversy. Not so long ago a visit by the Douglas Col- lege men’s basketball team to Malaspina would not have aroused passionate re- sponse. But times have changed. When the Royals rolled into Nanaimo on February 12 for a first-place showdown, they were greeted by a nasty column in the Nanaimo Daily Free Press and a large crowd toting some interesting signs. Fueling the fire was the sports column on the eligibility of forward Chris Vander Mark, a student who is attending both Douglas College and SFU this term. No conference rules prohibit an athlete from attending two institutions, and the Royals had just survived one eligibility challenge 10:00 - 11:30 Satellite Downlink Room 0614 11:30 - 13:45 Post-conference Discussion Room 3347 Fitness Assessments Tu, Mar 23 and Tu, Mar 20 Appointments available between 08:00 and 17:00 Computer Training All sessions are held in Computer Training Room, 1616 WordPerfect Shortcuts Th, Mar 4 09:00 - 12:00 File Management Tu, Mar 9 09:00 - 10:30 FTP File Transfer Tu, Mar 9, 14:00 - 16:00 WordPerfect Styles and Document Generation Th, Mar 11, 09:00 - 12:00 DOS We, Mar 17, 12:00 - 14:00 So ym Mm oa ae ie te SS by UCFV and an appeal by VCC and Malapsina. Still, the fans didn’t like it. During the game, the Nanaimo gym displayed a sign reading: "Top 10 Schools U Can Go To & Still Play at Douglas". The list included SFU, the Safeway Driving School and School of Hard Knocks. Douglas College Athletic Director Betty Lou Hayes didn’t mind the fans’ reaction. "I thought it was excellent in terms of get- ting people out. My only concern is that they concentrated on one athlete, but as long as the athlete can handle it, it’s fine," said Hayes. The Royals were not successful-on the floor, however. They lost 91-71, ensuring a second-place finish in B.C. but dropping wa gta > S Scheduler Th, Mar 18, 09:00 - 11:00 External E-Mail Th, Mar 18 16:00 - 18:00 WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems) Tu, Mar 9, 10:00 - 12:00 Room 2212 Seminars for Success Free Workshops Available at New Westminster and Thomas Haney Campuses Time Management Th, Jan 21 12-2 pm Lifestyle Balancing Th, Mar 18 12-2 pm Call Steve Norris at 467 - 6811 for more information. A Dp them from first to fourth in Canadian rankings. Meanwhile, four other Royals teams are poised for playoff runs in March, includ- ing the first-place badminton and women’s basketball teams. The badmin- ton team, two-time defending B.C. champs, won all four of their tourna- ments this season. The women’s basketball team finished with 12 wins and just one loss and are ranked number two in Canada. Both men’s and women’s volleyball teams were holding the fourth and final playoff spots late last month. Douglas Col- lege will host the B.C. women’s volleyball championships on March 6. &