COUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MAD HATTER PAGE 5 TERMS OF REFERENCE/RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE es ee To assist in the development of a marketing strategy for the College. To make recommendations on matters related to college image in the Community and on matters related to publicity and procedures. To identify priorities for college publicity activities and to assist in the articulation of promotional campaigns. To act as an editorial board for all college internal publications. To advise the Public Information Officer on matters of College pub- licity as requested by the Public Information Office. The representatives of the Publicity Committee act as liason to their par- ticular division; responsible for being available as a ‘sounding board' for ideas of publicity value, ques- tions or comments, and responsible for reporting back to the Committee as a whole. In return the represen- tatives are responsible for reporting to their division and keeping them aware of the activities of the Pub- licity Committee. Any matters Warranting publicity, as seen by the Publicity Committee, will then be turned over to the Public Information Office for action and implementation. To act as an interim steering com- mittee to set guidelines for and to oversee and coordinate all activities related to the occupancy of the per- manent campus for a period of one year. MEMBERS Bill Bell (Chairman ) Beth Bosshard Tom Whalley The Community Programs and Services Outreach activities and the members of that Division work- ing on those activities be con- situted as a subcommittee of the Publicity Committee. Other activi- ties which are curriculum based could have representatives added to this subcommittee or could con- situte separate committees. How- ever the focus of committees of this type would be curriculum. The subcommittee responsible for planning Opening Ceremonies is res- ponsible to the Publicity Committee and should consist of members from the faculty, staff, administration, students, Douglas College Board and one member from the Publicity Committee. The Orientation Committee, respon- sible to the Publicity Committee, plans activities to orient students, potential students, staff, faculty, , and the public to the new faculty/ic and should consist of members from faculty, staff, administration, students, the following departmental directors; Registrar's Office, Coun- selling and Student Services, Phy- sical Plant, and one member from the Publicity Committee. In addition, the Orlentation Committee should be responsible for identifying forms and vehicles for orientation and the tasks involved in such orienta- tion. Public Information Office Community Programs & Services Community Programs & Services => ll