THE MIDDLE POSITION In my previous submission to this newslet- ter, I argued that only the two extremes of absolute purity and total depravity can be defended with any integrity. It was pointed out to ine by someone that there is a good argument for the middle position because that is where we all live. I readily agree that we live in the middle if, in fact, we can assign any meaning to such an idea. For the person who accepts the concepts of absolute purity and total depravity, a posi- tion in the middle is indeed possible. When he falls short of absolute purity, as he will inevitably do, he finds himself in need of forgiveness. Or he may consciously choose to go in the opposite direction. His position can be compared to that of a point on a line between two extremes and having a real sense of the difference between the two directions that he can go. The moral position of the person who does not accept the above concepts is more like that of an arrow (vector) in space. This arrow is not pointed to any particular tar- get, but merely “is". Thus the words "abso- lute purity" and "total depravity" no longer have any meaning. They are merely 7]lusions of those persons who attempt to define the direction they are headed. When fully understood, this concept is dif- ficult to maintain. The person who denies aboslutes may find himself believing that slavery is 'wrong' under any circumstances. but that is clearly nonsense. If I ama slave owner all I have to do is say "hurrah for slavery", to paraphrase the words of one particular moral critic. Thus shouts of "hurrah for disarmament", "hurrah for mur- der", “hurrah for abortion", “hurrah for severance pay", "hurrah for restraint", are not statements about right or wrong but mere- ly statements about the individuals direc- tion in space, The moment I make statements like "According to my moral code you should not do such and such", I am losing sight of my presupposi- tions and attempting to establish a point on a line between absolute purity and total MAD HATTER PAGE 4 depravity. To make a mathematical analogy ijt is meaningless to speak of a sum of vectors (arrows) being points on a line. Al Harms | LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE CHRISTMAS CLOSURE The Learning Resource Centre will be closed between Christmas and New Years. If you have any concerns or require spec- ial arrangements, please call Virginia Chisholm for clarification, local 2122. Thank you. UNCLAIMED MATERIAL I am finding that a lot of papers, envel- opes, and circulars are finding there way down to my desk. Many of these lack prop- er identification as to their origin. To avoid having them eventually thrown in the garbage, please leave a note with your name and local, in order that they may be returned to the sender should they not be picked up in a few days. Please help us to help you to avoid any unnecessary disposal of any literature that is dropped off at the Security Desk. Thank you. Lucille Keim Security Supervisor | | FOR SALE 17 cu. ft. two door, frost free fridge Good working order Colour - white $100.00 (cont'd)