aaa ‘other Press good shit!’’ by Mike Yargeau I tell ya! the Interurban Transit System is really | trying to make busing a lot more enjoyable. The last three times I’ve been for- tunate enough to catch one . |;0f those eluding vehicles, | have my I’ve had the misfortune to semi-slumbered state jogged by a new form .- | of entertainment. That is, | the new class of~ drunks riding buses these days. You used to be able to ignore their drunken dribble and put up with their putrid polluting of the air you breathe with their barroom breath. Ha, ha! anymore. This one drunk said he liked me because I was as big a bullshitter as he was. How did he know I was a bullshitter? If you read any- more of this you'll see he was partially right. You see this guy had just finished explaining to me how he shot. some kid in the leg with a ,.38 for shooting starlings with a pellet gun. It made sense to me until he puked on my leg. ‘Anyway, I’m not, and let me stress that, an anti- alcoholic crusader. I get pissed as often as the next guy, but I don’t go around getting sick on people. I usually stagger home (fall- ing down all the way) or But not babble slurringly to some taxi driver who can’t speak “Mr. Bream scarcely needs more praise at this point for he has won all the encomiums in the book and still deserves them’’ ‘For all its popular appeal, the guitar is a difficult instrument. Legato can be a problem, depth is elusive. Yet, Julian Bream achieved all of this and more in a sold-out concert last night ~ at the Kennedy Center Concert Hall.’’ ‘The Jimmey Page of classical guitar...a really New Entertainment NEW YORK TIMES WASHINGTON POST THE OTHER PRESS English and can only say a repetitive ‘“‘That’s OK’’ to my drunken concepts. This new breed of winos is quite something else. these guys not only like wine, but they hate them- selves at the same time. It seems to me that these individuals tend to express this same self-condemnation in the same general way. Sometimes. in. the same manner as 35 year old rednecks, they hate kids! Speaking of kids, there always seems to be some little pipsqueak (if pips truly squeak) kid on the bus who gets off ridiculing these poor souls. No wonder they hate kids. It just amazes me why this particular drunk on this particular bus didn’t take him and_ his friend’s bottle of Lonesome Charlie and bash the kid over the head with it. Ah! but there’s the rub, he’d be giving up his lifeblood. Well, so much for infamous drunken vio- lence. The whole point of .this journalistic endeavour was not, from the beginning an expression of the impact these drunks had on me, but more a commentary on the impact the sober world had on them. Which doesn’t say much for the society we live in. Anyway, I’m sure they had a good time. Cheers! Wowman DruglasColleg Dear Editor; Wowman, far out! I am real glad to see that the paper of an institute of higher education is turning on to what real KNOW LUGE is all about. Some people try to say that mush- rooms are bad for your head you know? But there rong. I know man. Like I’m 28 or 27 or something, age doesn;t matter you know, it;t what upstairs that counts. I got a B.S. in biochemistry man and I know that hard knowluge crap doesn;t make it. Carlos Castenada knew what was going on. Psilocy- bin is where it’s at. Amanita muscaria too. That’s real KNOWLUGE. Like my old lady and I both do it. She’s learning better than me though. She flew accross the room last knight. Science sucks, it doesn’t believe things like that. Even my dog got real Knowluge. I made him eat some psilocy- ~ bin man and he got cosmic consciousness and I haven’t seen him since. It undomes- -ticated him man, just like me and my old lady, were getting back to nature. We don’t even have to talk anymore. We telepathate. We even stopped getting it on. But were gin to have a kid anyways. Were goin to have it by neditation. Yup were just goin to sit to- gether and have a kid by concentratin together. Far out hey! Were goin to name it rainbow. Mushrooms give you a real different point of view. Were gettin so far bck to nature that were going past being vegitareans, were Startin to eat dirt and we fugure that we can soon eat nothin but real dirt like plants do and stand out in the rain and sun and stuff. I already tried it this spring but I got new monia. I guess that I’m not cosmic enough. yet. I go to Douglas College you know. I’m taking Crim- inolugy. Yeah I figure that I will become a_ probation officer when I can turn all the poor unfortunate kids that society dumped on on to the natural way and mushrooms and stuff. I fig- ure that you got too change society from the inside you know. Violent revolushun don’t -work. I did some mushrooms last knight and my ally came and told me that God told him to tell me that I should say that violent reveloshun don’t work be- cause it isn’t cool to kill Numero uno in Mexico and in Canada. 700 mi AUTENTICAS DE AGAVE TEQUILA ELABORADO Y ENVASADO POR TEQUILA SAUZA, 8. A. HECHO EN MEXICO REG FED, CAUSANTES TSA. 671208 NOM-1i02-1 AUTENTICAS Page 5 a people, you should turn the other cheek first but if the person still hits you or somethin the you beat him up and tie him up ana the feed him some mushrooms and the he can talk to his own ally himself and he will know that hittin people is wrong. as a matter of fact I did some mushrooms this morn- in and my ally is standin over in the corner right now laffin at me he is a funny lookin guy and he doesn’t look the same all the time right now he is werin sun- glasses with rine stoones all over like Elto John and smokin a cigar and pickin his toenails with a bannnan- anna. he sort of furry like a teddy ber. Oh wow man he is goin to get it on old lady. wow wow man now were really goin to get a cosmic kid. far out hes tellin me to join in so i gotta go now I hope this letter will tell all yur readers that mushrooms, is okay and good for yur head like I said not like the establishment tell yu because they want yoo thinkin like them so that they can expoyte yu. Bye. Moon unit THE BOTTLED ROMANCE OF ME Ca SS Se =e