INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / July 9, 1991 Myrna Popove (chairman, Douglas College Board) and Al Atkinson (Acting President), met with special guests Anita Hagen (MLA, New Westminster), and Emery Barnes (MLA, Vancouver Centre) at the graduation ceremonies on June 20th. Grads urged to consider broader issues continued from page 1 MLA Emery Barnes, the NDP spokesperson for multiculturalism and youth, acted as graduation speaker, touching on some very broad themes. He urged students to make the most of their education: “I believe we can expand our minds far beyond just making a living. There has to be some spirituality.” And Barnes reminded students that “Those of you who are here are fortunate — there are people who can’t be here because they can’t afford it. That's a crisis situation in my opinion.” Myrna Popove, chairman of the college board, spoke to students about the speed of change as Canada switchs from an “industrial-based economy to a knowledge-based economy.” To underline her point, Popove predicted that “The class of 2000 will be exposed to more information in a year than their grandparents were in a lifetime.” @ Yvonne Mostert appointed administrative assistant e are pleased to announce that Yvonne Mostert has been appointed Administrative Assis- tant to the Deans. Yvonne will be providing administrative assis- tance to Mia Gordon and Gerry Della Mattia. This new staffing structure will allow us to provide better service to college personnel, both within our Divisions and from other Divisions and to people outside the college with whom we interact. The appointment will become effective August 15, 1991 allowing time for Yvonne's vacation and for the transfer of some of her former responsibilities to other personnel. Please join us in welcoming Yvonne to this new position. Inside Information Inside Douglas College is published every two weeks by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2.