VOLUME XI, NUMBER 19 #& INNOVATION ABSTRACTS WX oe (ARM aa ) . \_, > PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STAFF AND ORGANIZATIONAL DE VELOPMENT, Ua ROB Olga hfe led WITH SUPPORT FROM THE W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION AND THE SID W. RICHARDSON FOUNDATION ; : classroom. The personal relationship that is Enhan cing Your En thusiasm developed by having students share their back- grounds with the class, by calling on students by Enthusiasm. Think of the classes and workshops you name, and by “working one-on-one with stu- have taken where the instructor was so excited about dents having trouble,” personalizes our experi- being there, where his/her energy for the material and ence of teaching. As teachers, we are more for learning was so strong that the whoie class was stimulated and more excited about teaching carried to another level. Remember the courses you when we know the people in our classes. have taken where the instructor’s enthusiasm was so 3. Appreciating the important role we play in our great that you couldn’t help but become involved in the students’ lives. As teachers, we significantly subject matter and in the classroom experience. Per- influence the lives of our students. Simply by haps we need to approach stimulating student interest our personality and our manner, we positively by exploring the enthusiasm we bring to the classroom. and/or negatively influence our students’ self- Are there steps we can take to enhance our enthusi- images and their feclings about the subject asm and thereby create exciting learning experiences for matter and learning. By reminding ourselves of our students? I surveyed the more than 100 full- and the instructors in our past who helped turn us off part-time faculty members at Santa Fe Community to a particular subject and remembering those College, where | am an instructor, to find out how they who helped us open doors in our minds, we are develop their enthusiasm. The survey (43 faculty motivated to more positively and effectively members responded to the written survey) revealed 10 present ourselves and the subject matter. different approaches which we can utilize to explore and expand the joy and excitement we bring to our B. APPROACHES FOCUSING ON THE courses. I have grouped the 10 approaches (with some INSTRUCTOR’S RELATIONSHIP TO THE of the instructors’ comments) into three categories: SUBJECT MATTER. those approaches that focus on a) the instructor-student 1. Loving our subject matter. Several instructors relationship, b) the instructor's relationship to the spoke of how their enthusiasm sprang from subject matter, and c) the instructor’s classroom teach- “falling in love” with their subject matter. Deep ing style. feclings for our field of expertise, a keen interest in “new discoveries or ideas,” and “excitement” A. APPROACHES FOCUSING ON THE for our professions are strong motivators. By INSTRUCTOR-STUDENT RELATIONSHIP. loving what we teach, we more profoundly 1. Paying attention to the joy of watching students inspire our students. learn. Several instructors expressed how excited 2. Teaching new and/or a variety of courses. An- they felt “witnessing the glow in students’ eyes other technique for enhancing the enthusiasm we when they realize that they’ ve just learned some- bring to the classroom is by “teaching a variety thing important.” We can use the joy of watch- of subjects.” For example, by volunteering to ing “when the light bulb clicks on” in a student’s teach something we've never taught before, we mind as a motivation for becoming better teach- experience an awareness of the challenges that ers. The excitement that students experience as our students face on a daily basis. Teaching a they learn can inspire excitement within our- varicty of courses can help us keep that certain selves and motivate us to actively seck out new edge of vitality, of freshness to our presentations. ways Of stimulating student learning. 3. Appreciating the importance of what we teach 2. Developing a personal relationship with stu- to our students’ lives. We can enhance our en- dents. By getting to know students and by thusiasm by keeping in mind the “critically sharing with students, many instructors create a important” role the subject matter will play in “personal” bond that motivates them in the the lives of our students. Whether it is teaching ; (= THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STAFF AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (NISOD) {q),; Community College Leadership Program, The University of Texas at Austin ” EDB 348, Austin, Texas 78712 ia