Desperate Movie Studios to Rape Your Childhood By “Salty” Liam Britten LOS ANGELES, CA — After a summer filled with blockbuster movies such as Spiderman 3, Transformers, and Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer, the big six Hollywood studios, Sony, Disney, Fox, Paramount, Universal, and Time-Warner made a united statement today declaring that they will no longer make any movies that are not based on your cherished childhood memories. “Look, times are tough for Hollywood,” said Barry M. Meyer, CEO of Warner Bros. Pictures, “and quite frankly, when you're only making $46 billion a year, you simply do not have the resources to invest in new, creative thought. That’s why we have decided that from now on, your childhood will be our bitch.” “The plan for raping your childhood is simple,” said Disney CEO Robert Iger. “We feel that your childhood would probably not give itself up willingly, so it could turn violent, which is okay with us, because quite frankly, that would make a good movie in itself. After we gain unwholesome knowledge of your childhood, we will release our products on its face; and by products, I mean motion pictures. After this is completed, we will leave your childhood naked, alone and in the cold, feeling like a disgusting victim. The plan for upcoming movies produced after raping your childhood mainly calls for action movies based on innocuous ‘80s cartoons, such as the upcoming He-Man 2008, which will feature He-Man in violent streets of New York, fighting crime from Greyskull Precinct, and dealing with the trauma he suffered in the Iraq War. His wacky new sidekick will be played by Chris Tucker. 2008 will also see a Care Bears trilogy with Lord of the Rings-style mass battle scenes, and 2009 will see the release of a ThunderCats film dealing with teen pregnancy and violent torture. LEARN THE DIVINITY OF FONTOGRAPHY... THE OTHER PRESS IS HIRING A NEW GRAPHICS EDITOR! INQUIRE TO: EDITOR.OTHERPRESS@GMAIL.COM BROOKLYN PUB WATERFRONT L ee es 250 Columbia St. 604.2 2966 is STUDENT NIGHT! THURSDAY d TUNE TWISTER