INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 22, 1990 Briefs PD Day Success A hearty THANK YOU to Katy Parsons and Charlotte Currie for all their hard work that made our Professional Development Day a huge success. BCG£EU; For Sale ¢ Apollo men’s 10 speed bike - excel- lent condition - 19" frame - $100. e Lowrey Organ - older model, nice wooden cabinet & bench, excellent condition - $200. * Yamaha clarinet & case - $140. Call Marg at local 5479. Wheelchair basketball continued dedication. It requires condition- ing, good eating habits, just like any sport. And you have to play every day, which many of these women do,” says Wownuk. The skill level at this clinic is high, says Joe Higgins, one of four assistant coaches on the women’s team. “We've been really pleased with their abilities. They're a very coachable and very capable group of athletes, and with them we can develop a team for the future,” says Higgins, who has played on the last seven National Champion men’s teams and also plays for the Alberta Northern Lights Wheel- chair Basketball Team. But there is more to the clinic than skill development, Higgins adds. “It’s a celebration of women’s wheelchair basketball. The smiles on their faces show it." @ Summer in the Sunny Okanagan Penticton Condo for rent; daily or weekly rates available. 5 minutes from Skaha Beach. Fully furnished, two bedrooms. Full kitchen facilities. Playground for children. To book, call 420-0205 and leave message. Temporary library closure planned Due to the library automation project there will be a partial clos- ing of the library from MAY 28 TO JUNE 8. The library will be open 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening on the affected days. Faculty will need to book audio-visual equipment and software ahead of time so arrange- ments can be made for pick-up and return. Any questions, comments, or concerns should be addressed to Virginia Chisholm, Director of Learning Resources at local 5182. & Golf tournament results The Tournament results are as follows: Men’s Low Gross: 1. Brynn Parry 2. Russ Lawrie 3. Brian Killins Ladies Low Gross: 1. Ann Ryan 2. Bina Henderson 3. Gwyneth Dixon-Warren . . 4. Lynn McIntyre Low Net: 1. Jamie Guy 2. Dave Walkerk 3. Warren Spence 4. Ray Fornier Longest Drive: Closest to Pin: Most Honest Golfer: > Syl a We ee, gee SPR ee oem teens Brynn Parry Ce ee ee Morgan Field oe ee nie eas eae Georgina Ferguson