Mad Hatter DOUGLAS COLLEGE STAFF ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING & ELECTION OF OFFICERS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH 4 - ROOM COMPLEX SURREY CAMPUS 4:00 P. M. The Staff Association Executive would like to thank the Administration of Douglas College for their co-operation in granting time-off for staff members who are attending the Staff Association Annual Meeting on September 27th. Dr. Wootton and Mr. Morfey have agreed to make any necessary arrangements to allow staff to leave Richmond campus by 3:20 p. m., and New Westminster campus by 3:40 p. m. in order to arrive at Surrey campus for the meeting at 4:00 p. m. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MEETING AND WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE EVERYBODY OUT! P. S. See last week's Mad Hatter for agenda and nominations information. Shirley Froese, President.