—Notorious BI. G. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR hey really don’t make ‘ em like they wed to. . : I don’t know what it is, but nothing really does it for me ike my old Siose Nintendo same replay from me that the Super Nintendo does. There’s about a half-dozen Super NES games that I’ve beaten more times than I can coun}, games than I consider to be true classics. Chrono Trigger: okay, no introduction needed here. Of all the Squaresoft-style . tole-playing games with menu-based combat, this one stands out from the pack for sure. ‘The characters, the combat systetn.. superb, Chrono Trigger had a storyline that-I think was probably oe deep for the eight-year-old 1 was when I first started playing it. It wasn’t that it was too complex or anything, but I just got too damn emotionally invested in the thing to let any of my characters die. When Crono sacrificed himself to save his friends...oh man, I can make it through Schindler's List he an crying, but Chrono Trigger was too much. Super Mario World: this was the first video game I ever got as a kid. Beating are important, and when dealing with an end boss, always attack the part of him that’s glowing red and yellow, Final Fantasy 2 and 3: these games follow Chrono Trigger closely in their relevance to my development as a person. These games come from a time when RPGs weren’t about “gameplay” or “graphics” or “having fun,” but instead were all about “grinding;” which is basically just having your imaginary friends fight monsters for - hours to get strong enough to do the important things. And, yes, I'm aware that those ~ many hours I’ve thrown away in make-believe exercising really could’ ve been more valuably spent spending many hours in real-life exercising. Super Mario Kart: when I learned to drive in real-life, | was very disappointed to find that a man in a cloud doesn’t come and pull you out of the ditch when you crash. Super Star Wars: in all honesty, playing this game is what made me want to go watch Star Wars for the first time since I was three. So, in short, this game is Jesus and awesome rolled into one. But then again, while these games may have saved my childhood from boredom and physical activity, they definitely had a dark side. Before I developed any of my many adult vices, my first vice was video games. I was a fiend, | tell you (that’s why my parents didn’t let me have a Game Boy; they knew that if I was able to play video games in more places than just the basement, I would never stop for a second). Before I got my Super Nintendo, I would definitely say I was a good little boy. I never back-talked my parents, I brushed my teeth and went to bed when I was supposed to, and I wouldn’t dream of sneaking out of my room at 4 a.m. to get a sweet, sweet fix of video game crack. I was a wee little angel, to be sure. But when I was seven and I got Super Nintendo, that all changed. I learned about violence, and what love really is (SPOILER ALERT: love is extra lives), and that fighting authority is okay (in my mind, my parents were the ultimate end boss). Video games are bad for kids; let’s not kid ourselves. You wouldn’t let your kids smoke, so why would X does. I’ve got newer video games, more advanced video garnes, but none of them get the — - The Other Press , ‘this game taught me everything I need:to know about life: it’s hard to persevere, friends : | Super Nintendo, Sone Genesis, When Iwas lead mati man, I contain’ t picture this x ‘ £ [ee Pe you let them ins video. games? It’s just as bad of an addiction. : So, Super Nintendo, I owe you thanks: thanks for making life worth living. But | _also.owe — many curses; curses for ving the only thing life was worth living for. ai Your friend i in high Soy Liam Britten ole é EditorInChief = & its online! “book swap” Don't miss out - go on-line today! The students’ union Book Swap is back and Go to wu doug/asstudentsunior.cato sign up; click on the link, and buy and sell your textbooks today. Please note: To facilitate the success of this Book Swap service on-line, and in the effort to pro- vide “one-stop” shopping for the benefit of all students, the students’ union will be continuing its bulletin board policy of poster removals which advertise used textbooks for sale. DOUGLAS STUDENTS’ UNION CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS - LocaAL 18