Amanda Aikman, Correspondent to Norway ollowing his sensational press } conference on March 20, 2005, wherein Dr. Drew Krugenhoffer claimed that the country of Norway is actually an elaborate govern- ment cover up—that it does not, in fact, exist—I had an opportunity to meet with the formerly respected American scienti- cian to discuss his controversial findings. What follows is an excerpt from our con- versation together. Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of national security in the US, some content may have been edit- ed or removed by the CIA. OP: So, Dr Krugenhoffer, let me get this are claiming that the country of Norway does not exist? DE: Yes, that is correct. OP: But, isn’t that a little...uh, insane? I mean, obviously Norway does exist. DK: Does it? Have you ever been to Norway? OP: Well, o, but... DK: Aha! So you have no proof that it does exist, and yet you have the gall to doubt me when I say it doesn’t. The truth is that the so-called country of “Norway” is nothing but a figment of 16 | the international imagination, created by the US government. This situation is not without prece- dent. For centuries Christians have tried to convince people of the existence of Heaven and Hell in order to gain influ- ence and justify their own “indiscretions.” The US government wanted to emulate this Machiavellian tactic, but they were discouraged by the limited success rate of the churches. Eventually, they realized that, while people had trouble believing in winged angels and horned demons, they would have little difficulty believing in a far-off country full of pale, lutefisk-eat- ing, drunken Vikings who talked funny and liked to ski. And so, the concept of “Norway” was created. OP: But it’s not like Norway is in some top-secret location. I mean—it’s in Scandinavia, people vacation there all the time. What would happen if I went to the airport right now and got on a plane to Norway? DK: Well, naturally every airport and air- line is staffed with several CIA operatives who would attempt to dissuade you from traveling to “Norway.” They usually do this by claiming your flight has been over- -Scientician Claims Norway Does Not Exist booked, or that weather conditions in “Norway” are too dangerous to fly into, or that your plane is experiencing mechanical failures that prevent you from embarking. If these stall tactics do not prevail, “Norway”-bound passengers are drugged and flown to a top-secret military base outside of Northfield, Minnesota, where they spend their allotted vacation time pumped full of mescaline in an air- port hangar built to resemble “Norway.” OP: But what is it the government is try- ing to cover up? What possible reason would they have for creating a fictional country named Norway in the first place? DK: Aliens. OP: Aliens? That’s it—just “aliens?” What do aliens have to do with anything? DK: Oh, you are so naive. Obviously, “Norway” is the codename for the alien life-form research project initiated by the US government. OP: Obviously? DK: Yes, obviously! What’s wrong with you people? Am I the only one who can see what’s really going on here? OP: That’s a good question. Has anyone else in the scientific community con- curred with your findings? DK: Oh, there are many, I assure you. But they are all too afraid to come forth pub- licly and admit it. The US government can be a frightening opponent to take on. But there are people in other circles who sup- port my theory. Take David Lynch, for example. OP: The filmmaker? DK: Yes, the filmmaker. Through his work, Mr. Lynch has repeatedly attempted to communicate with alien forces, signal- ing to them that it is safe to invade earth. Of course, he had to be covert in his actions to avoid government reprisal, but those of us “in the know” were aware of what he was doing. For example, in the 1990 pilot episode of the television pro- gram Twin Peaks, “the Norwegians” were welcomed to the Great Northern Hotel, and then, later in the same episode the character of “Julie the secretary” was heard to exclaim repeatedly, “The Norwegians are leaving! The Norwegians are leaving!” Obviously, this dialogue was code to the aliens that although the earth had seemed like it wouldn’t resist an inva- sion, things had changed and they should stay away. Then, in the 1992 film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, the character of Leland Palmer explained to his family, “the Norwegians are coming in next week” — another obvious transmission to alien factions, this time signaling that an immi- nent invasion would be likely to succeed. OP: And was there an alien invasion in 1992? DK: Yes, there was. But the government distracted the public by creating a diver- sion with the Los Angeles riots. OP: But I thought those riots were insti- gated by the verdict in the Rodney King trial? DK: Oh, you are so naive. OP: Whatever. Tell me this then, if Norway does not exist, how do you explain the existence of such celebrated Norwegians as Leif Ericson, Henrik Ibsen, and Edvard Munch? DK: They are aliens. OP: Seriously. DK: Yes, seriously. OP: Tell me, Dr. Krugenhoffer, how was it that you came to discover the non-exis- tence of Norway in the first place? DK: I first suspected that “Norway” was a government-created cover-up for alien research in 1986. I returned home from my lab one evening in June to find my wife had disappeared. I discovered a note that said she was leaving me to move to Norway with Ansgar Seljelid from her herring-pickling class. I knew my wife would never really abandon me, and so there was only one logical explanation: she had been abducted by aliens and the US government was conspiring with them to keep the truth from me. But it didn’t work. They may have taken my wife and my professional credi- bility—but there’s one thing they'll never be able to take from me: the truth. OP: What would you say to critics who claim this whole “Norway-is-fake” theory of yours is merely a delusion that you insist on perpetuating as a means of avoiding the fact that your wife ditched you for a Norwegian guy? DK: I'd say that those critics are obvious- ly government agents attempting to publicly discredit my theory and divert attention from the government’s under- handed dealings with alien races. I know how this might look to people, but believe me, I am not crazy. This is nothing like the time my first wife left me and I claimed that Edmonton was really a secret, underground Sasquatch-breeding facility. I admit, I was a little off base on that one—but this time it’s true. No mat- ter what those crafty, so-called “Norwegians” tell you. March 30/2005