January 22, 2003 Economic Nature of Things Nic the Whole Picture, Says Su: Challenges Canadians to conserve environment Leah Collins The Gateway EDMONTON (CUP)—David Suzuki is challenging Canadians to save the planet from the ruin of over-con- sumption. Delighted to be back at the University of Alberta, the place where he got his first “grown-up” job as a genetics professor, Suzuki spoke to a packed crowd at the Thursday evening event. The award-winning Canadian scientist, broadcaster, and environmental activist returned to the university to be the seventh lecturer in the Students’ Union's Revolutionary Speaker Series. Central to Suzuki’s lecture was his observation that the expectation of never-ending economic growth has led to environmental crisis. “We see the economy as the source of all that is impor- tant in our lives,” said Suzuki. “This is a suicidal belief.” “We are being told that economic growth forever is not only possible, which it is not, but also that it is absolute- ly necessary. In our society, if you're not growing, you are considered to be dying. And we all know that steady growth forever is the creed of the cancer cell.” Suzuki says the rush of invention and consumption in Child Reporter Evicted From Campbell Drunk- Driving News Conference Media handlers for BC Premier Gordon Campbell deemed it “inap- propriate for a child” to attend the Premier's Sunday news conference to explain criminal charges arising from his arrest for drunk driving in Hawaii. Adam Potvin, 9, is an accredited reporter for The Republic newspaper, a bi-weekly published in East Vancouver. Kevin Potvin, Adam’s father, is the editor and publisher of the newspaper. Mr Potvin was at first allowed into the press conference. Kelly Gleeson, in charge of handling the media gathered outside the Premier's office in downtown Vancouver Sunday, told Mr. Potvin, “You should try to find some childcare” for Adam Potvin because the Premier's press conference “would not be an appropriate event for chil- dren.” Last week, an 11-year-old Port Coquitlam girl was killed by a serial drunk driver. Adam Potvin was interested in asking the Premier, in light of his arrest for drunk driving, if he had a message of reassurance for the children of BC. “I wanted to ask Mr Campbell why you drank and drove after an 1 1-year old girl was killed by the same thing,” Adam said. Gleeson refused to elaborate on why Campbell’s press conference would be inappropriate for a child reporter to attend. RCMP officers forcefully removed Mr. Potvin and his son from the entrance to the building housing the Premier's office. For mote info, call Kevin Potvin 604-253-6413 © page 4 News http://otherpress.douglas.bc.ca the last century has created an environmental crisis where the perpetuation of consumption and disposal takes precedence over most things, including the preservation of nature. “We need to sacrifice for the economy, we need to give up our social services for the economy—this is nonsense! The reality is, everything in this room has come from the earth. It is the biosphere that allows us to make a living, and makes the economy possible.” “We are literally born out of this environment; there is no separation. What we do to the earth we directly do to ourselves.” For Suzuki, “the big challenge is locked in our minds— what we think, how we see the world.” People need to shift the way they look at the environment and consider a bottom line other than a financial one. To direct the cultivation of a new bottom line, the David Suzuki Organization has created the Nature Challenge: ten steps for helping the planet that ordinary people can follow “without selling their house and living in a cave.” The Nature Challenge asks that participants agree to ave 5: EE ee ARMY RESERVE OPPORTUNITIES career. In the Canadian Forces Army Reserve, we: Are dedicated to serving Canada at home and abroad © Work in a challenging environment e Learn leadership skills Take up the challenge of working in we offer you! e Practical hands-on experience © Help with paying for your education ¢ Voluntary overseas missions Earn up to $8000 toward your post-secondary education! Call 39 Canadian Brigade Group The Army Reserve THINK ABOUT IT STRONG. PROUD. TODAY’S CANADIAN FORCES. Canada three PART-TIME CAREER Be part of our team and take pride in your today’s Army Reserve. Just look at what e A wide range of career opportunities or visit our website at www.39cbg.com 1 800 856-8488 www.forces.gc.ca the other press C of ten changes in lifestyle. Available at , the “deceptiv simple” steps include such challenges as reducing hog heating and electricity use by ten per cent and eatij meat-free meals once a week (the production of gra requires far less water and land than meat). With impact felt by numbers, Suzuki hopes to have o million participants taking part in his organizatio Nature Challenge. “If we can do that, it will be irresistible: every politici in the country will have to sign on. We could have a h electoral or political impact as well, and that is the ch lenge that now faces us.” “There's nowhere you can go on the planet without s{ ing the impact of science and technology. All you can is slow it down.” “You have to have hope. It’s easy to tell people all will break loose. It’s easy to sustain fear, but it’s necessq to sustain hope. We have to operate on the hope thaf there are thousands doing tiny things, it will have a grq force.” WV Nh aay eats VU HAT at a) DES POSSIBILITES DE CARRIERES A TEMPS PARTIEL Faites partie de l'équipe de la Réserve de Armée de terre. C'est avec dignité et fierté que nous sommes : * au service des Canadiens, autant au pays qu’a I’étranger © appelés a relever des défis passionnants e engagés a développer nos compétences en leadership Une carriére au sein de la Réserve de Armée de terre, c’est bien plus qu’un simple emploi. Nous vous offrons : ¢ de nombreuses possibilités de carriéres e l'occasion d’apprendre en travaillant e de vous aider a payer vos études de participer a titre volontaire a des missions a l'étranger Etudiant? Jusqu'a 8000 $ disponible en aide financiére pour vos études post-secondaires Contactez le 39° Groupe-brigade du Canada ou visitez notre site web au www.39cbg.com La Réserve de I’Armée de terre : PENSEZ-Y DECOUVREZ VOS FORCES DANS LES FORCES CANADIENNES.