the other press News October 2, 2002 Marijuana Debate Rages on in Ottawa fidam Grachnik Ottawa Bureau OTTAWA (CUP)—Canadian adults may soon be legally entitled to “blaze”, “smoke up” or “hit up the phat chron- ic” if a report tabled by the Canadian Senate is accepted and passed into law. The report, released by the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, calls for the legalization of marijuana. “Judges, lawyers, college students [and] brain surgeons. Everyone smokes marijuana,” said senator and committee member Tommy Banks. “Putting someone in jail for sim- ply having a joint in their pocket is wrong.” The report has triggered intense debate and staunch criticism from many MPs. “Its plain absurd,” said Randy White, Canadian Alliance MP and vice-president of the House of Commons committee on the non-medical use of drugs. “Two of the 11 findings were irresponsible. It’s a quan- p from where we are today. We would be the only ry to do this...and that should tell you something.” he extensive 600-page report concludes that, “only ausing demonstrable harm to others should ibited: illegal trafficking, selling to young people der the age of 16 and impaired driving.” “—,. “Penalties for trafficking should skyrocket,” Banks said. , “[You should] be put in jail and throw away the key.” The report also recommends amnesty for “any person convicted of possession of cannabis under current or past legislation.” “Why was marijuana ever criminalized?” asked Banks, about the 1923 Opium and Drug act, which criminalized cannabis. “In retrospee nalizing it i there was no rational reason for crimi- first place,” he added, admitting to hav- arijuana once, at a jazz concert in 1957. the committee is condoning the use of mar- e spend hundreds of millions of dollars saying committee saying outright, it’s ANY FOOT- LONG SUB 74 - 84th Street New Westminster Tel: 522-7823 Fax: 517-8795 (In front of Douglas College) okay to smoke marijuana,” he said. Banks vehemently disagrees with this position. “Nobody is encouraging use [of] drugs,” he said. “Drugs are bad and don't do you any good. [But] putting morality aside, prohibition doesn’t work.” “You're living in some other place if you think prohibi- tion laws are keeping drugs away,” he said. The Marijuana Party, whose mandate is to demonstrate the social advantages to ending cannabis prohibition, welcomes the news. “Tm happy,” said Marc-Boris St-Maurie, leader of the Marijuana Party. “[I’m] impressed with how far the Senate Committee went. They used explicit strong words.” “Senators have given the marijuana party our platform for the next election,” St-Maurice added. The report recommends the government set up preven- tion programs and “adopt an integrated policy on the risks and harmful effects of psychoactive substances.” It also recommends that the Marijuana Medical Access reg- ulations be changed. “Present medicinal marijuana provisions are not effec- tive and must be revised to provide greater access for those in need,” the report observed. Banks, who supports marijuana use for medicinal pur- poses, is optimistic about seeing the report become a real- aty- “This has to be dealt with at all orders of government. It can be done with only one order,” he said, adding that marijuana should be controlled by the provinces. “Fairly soon we'll see decriminalization,” he said. White, on the other hand, believes we'll never see mar- ijuana legalized. “It's not going to happen,” he said. “The [report] is not going to get out of there [House of Commons], believe me. ANY FOOT- $1.00 OFF Big in Size, SUB Not in Fat. Limit: One coupon per customer per visit. Not valid with any other coupons, es promotions or ee fr meal deals page 5 ©