APPROVED BY THE DCUGLAS COLLEGE BUARD - JUNE 21, 1984. Mad Hatter Page 2 DOUGLAS COLLEGE GOALS The Goals of Douglas College are: Le To provide, within the resources available, a wide range of full-time and part-time organized learning opportunities of excellent quality, primarily at the post-secondary level. To recognize the needs of students with a wide diversity of age, background, experience, interests and special needs, and: (a) Assist in developing a social awareness and conscience. (b) Prepare students to pursue, with success, studies at other post-secondary institutions, or careers in business, industry, or professional fields. (c) Provide a broad, general education that will develop the student’s capacities and creative talents that enable them to grow as human beings and good citizcns of their community in aesthetic and/or applied pursuits. (a) Provide an opportunity for people who are employed, or have been in the work force, to upgrade their skills. (ce) Offer both credit and non-credit patterns of learning. (£) Maintain an atmosphere in which a spirit of inquiry, learning, personal challenge, and a commitment to excellence, can flourish. To serve and maintain an appropriate balance between: (a) the College's defined region and its constituent communities; and (b) residents of the province as a whole by providing programs of provincial significance under the direction of the Ministry of Education. To provide, through its curriculum and facilities, oppor- tunities for the College to be a major community centre for academic, occupational, athletic, cultural and social activities. To lessen the dependence of students upon the College as an institution and encourage the development of a society of self-teachers as the ultimate goal of organized learnings.