Canada froviure of British Coliuabrta ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith To all to whom these presents shall come - GREETING A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS Colleges and Institutes Week recognizes the -2. Z dedicated effort of 125,000 students, faculty and Jaw ‘ FL, administration of 20 institutions serving all regions of the Province of British Columbia who have put energy and abilities into developing and utilizing a comprehensive range of programs serving and meeting the continuing and changing individual, economic and social needs of British ATTORNEY GENERAL Columbia adults; AND WHEREAS in proclaiming the special week of November 4th to 9th, 1985 as Colleges and Institutes Week, the government is able to recognize this collective effort to keep British Columbia in the forefront of providing for its adult citizens' educational needs and also express sincere thanks for the contribution this makes to a better life in British Columbia; AND WHEREAS Our Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, has been pleased to direct by Order in Council in that behalf that a Proclamation be issued designating November 4th to 9th, 1985 inclusive, as Colleges and Institutes Week in British Columbia; NOW KNOW YE THAT We do by these presents proclaim and declare that November 4th to 9th, 1985 inclusive, shall be known as Colleges and Institutes Week in British Columbia. IN TESTIMONY WIEREOF We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS The Honourable Robert Gordon Rogers, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of British Columbia, in Our City of Victoria, in Our Province, this fifteenth day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and elghty-five and in the thirty-fourth year of Our Reign. BY COMMAND. ft Soe < ee + 2 N eta PN Es ) ( PROVINCIAL SECRETARY AND MINISTER OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES