| hours. Session II runs February | more information call Gerry ees ary resuscitation, Cardiop uImor a : you do if one of the college employees'S was displaying the symptoms of a heart attack? What are the symptoms of heart attack? February is "Heart Month" and Douglas Col- lege is offering a FREE C.P.R. Heart Saver course (3.5 hrs) open to all employee's. The Douglas College C.P.R. program is par~ ticipating in a province wide training pre gram February 7 - 11, 1984. This two ses- sion course is certified to Canadian Heart Foundation Standards. Session I runs each evening February 7 - 10 from 1900 - ve 8 to 10, each evening from 1860 - 2100 hours. Ses- sion II's also run Saturday, ar 0900 - 1100 hrs, 1200 - 1400 hrs., 1430 - 1630 hrs., and 1700 - 1900 hrs. Certi ficate is issued upon completion of both sessions. Register by writing a note to Bob Corbett in our imum of 15 employee's is required. (For aT S\ Ya “Did you know?......75% of the staff in our Community Programs and ‘Services office are certified Heart Savers : aT) ieee saat Gerry Murphy uy, | The Library has been able , j of ‘The Beaver' (a Hudson's Bay Company has gaps up to 1960. by our history students. The Library is looking for any of the fol- lowing | dex: ‘ “October 1920 to March 1946. a 1946 (Sept., Dec.) 1947 (all issues) Ta 1948 (June, Sept.) What would | ‘O- ‘February 11 at Session I is a pre-requisite for Session II. rote personnel office. In- dicate the dates you wish to attend. A min-|& Murphy - local to extend its run _publication) back to 1946 although our set has gap The Beaver began pub- lication in October of 1920 and is well use ‘issues for which we now have an in- 1949 (Sept., Dec.) saul sune, (Gee. yi 951 (Mar., Dec. 1956 (Spring, Summer, Winter) 1960 (Winter) | | 1¢ you can help please send one or more | issues to me at the Library. Your gift = —_ al 4 nN il | will be acknowledged. Ralph Stanton Hi) ln + | | Memorial Scholarship | long-time member of the music faculty, Len Whitely passed away peacefully on — ‘December 26. : ‘Len was a founding member of Douglas College| and taught band, trumpet and brass classes | from 1 970 until he retired in 1981. |He devoted much time to teaching, but was |also very active as a performer, having played with the Edmonton and Vancouver | Symphony Orchestras < ith many big bands Jin England, the U.S.A. and Canada. |A fine musician and true gentleman, he will be sadly missed by his family, colleagues, friends and former students. a ‘A scholarship is being established to hon- jour his memory. wt Ppl . y be sent to the "Len Whitely Memorial Scholarship" c/o Henry Waack in ‘the music department. Receipts will be |sent for income tax purposes. Salk live! you. stressed! out and having trouble juggling your time? Come to the Stress ané Time Management Workshops on January 19 and |26, and February 2 from 1000 to 1200 hours. Enrollment is limited to 18. Admission is \free. Please contact Wendy or Barbara in |Counselling, 520-5486. |NOTE: It is necessary to attend all csessions. ‘three ean a ic i a