ATHLETICS AND INTRAMURALS Indoor Soccer Placings: Ist Place - Team No. 9 2nd Place - Construction Management 3rd Place -. The Rumps Ath Place - Super Soc's An honorable mention to the Combos - good attempt and thank you for participating. Prizes included ceramic and glass beer mugs and binders from the Bookstore. Look for co-ed volleyball to begin January ‘84. Let's have more than one representative from staff and faculty: Body Building Clinic: A lot of you have been asking and all I can say is that we are still trying to set it up with the Western Amateur Body Building Clinicians. Perhaps we will have to go with another group; look for a late January '84 date. The college team name which has been selected is the ROYALS. The women's basket- ball team and the ice hockey team will wear uniforms bearing this name in 1984. Thank you for the response to my request for sug- gestions. The men's and women's basketball teams will be travelling to Kamloops January 4, 1984 for a tournament. Both teams have been win- ning this season and I would suggest that everyone attend the first league aenes to be held January: 20, 1984: Women vs. Cariboo 1830 p.m. Men vs: Cariboo 2015 p.m. A women's indoor soccer team will be formed in the Spring semester. Any person inter- ested in playing, contact Betty Lou Hayes, local 5338. Badminton team members have been competing in the Vancouver. and District championships during the fall semester and will attend the B.C. Winter Games in January. Robin Ryan is coaching the Douglas squad this year 4 Recreational badminton will be offered on | Thursdays from 1930 hours to 2230 hours, ‘under the direction of Bob Scott: i ation and the B.C. Teachers Federation ad- | MAD HATTER PAGE 2 sou x L = , Slee - a ty Thanks Bob! Bob Browne will continue with staff and | faculty basketball] with a change in sched- uling. Wednesdays 2000 to 2200 hours will be the basketball time beginning in January Douglas College has been awarded the host- ing of the National Women's Basketbal] Championships for 1986. A big thank you | to Andy Andrews for doing a great deal of work for the Totem Conference which will be awarded the hosting of the entire 1986 CCAA Championships. We are pleased to be a major part of this endeavor. Merry Christmas to all from the Athletic Department and we look forward to seeing you in 1984. Betty Lou Hayes BOARD GRANTS REDUCED Education Minister Jack Heinrich school boards of the reduction of grant payments based on the salary savings during the three-day walkout by teachers in November. The Minister said he was taking the action after both the B.C. School Trustees Associ-'! vised him against recovery of the lost in- structional time. “The agreement that the funds saved during the job action of the teachers would re- main in the system provided the lost in- structional time is recovered could have been met, but neither the trustees nor the teachers offered any means by which the time could be replaced," said Heinrich. "In view of that, the funds will be re- moved. However, I am prepared to look at any solution presented by individual school | boards for recovery of those days." The Minister said he has also asked the boards to indicate that teachers who of- | fered instruction during the work stoppage | did not lose benefits to which they were |