DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES HUURS OF OPERATION DURING THE CHRISTMAS PERIOD - 1985 Based on the various provisions in the respective collective ayreements as well as past practise, the followiny schedule lists the normal workiny days and observed Holidays for all College employees. DATE Mon, Uec. 23, 1985 Tues. Vec. 24, 1985 Wed. Dec. 25, 1985 Thur. Vec. 26, 1985 Pris DeGe 2ig> L935 Sat. Dec. 28, 1985 Sun. Dec. 29, 1985 Mon. Dec. 3U, 19% Tues. Dec. 31, 1985 Wed. Jan. 1, 1986 Thur. Jan. 2, 1986 Pri. dans 3, 1986 Sat. Jang 4, 1986 Sun. Sai 5, 1986 Mon, Jan. 6, 1¥86 STAFF Reyular working Paid holiday Stat Stat Regular working Weekend Weekend Reyular working Paid holiaay Stat Regular working Regular working Weekend Weekend Regular working (Reyistration) day day day day day day FACULTY Regular working Accountable day Stat Stat Regular working Weekend Weekend Regular working Accountable day Stat Reyular working Regular working Weekend Weekend Regular workiny (Reyistration) day day day day day day AUMINISTRATION Regular working Accountable day Stat Stat Regular workiny Weekend Weekend Keygular working Accountable day Stat Regular working Regular workiny Weekend Weekend Reyular working (Reyistration) day day day day day day