MAD HATTER PAGE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS COLLEGE GOVERNANCE DOUGLAS COLLEGE PHASE I DEPARTMENTAL AND DIVISTONAL CURRICULUM & PLANNING COMMITTEES (Elections To Be Completed By January 6, 1982) PHASE TT COLLEGE POLICS AND PLANNING COMMITTEE (Constituent Assembly January 7, 1982) PHASE ill ELECTION OF STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES (Electivuns To Pe Completed By rebrudey ty IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS. The College Board has approved the proposed yovernunee structure act its November 19th meeting. The mexe cask is tu implement the structure by bringing the governance cuimittees into being and so complete the College organization. Elections for all faculty positions will be by direct suftrage, by all faculty employed 1/2 cime or :ore. Elections for all scaff pusicions will be by direct suffrage, by all regular staff employed 20 hours or more per week. Faculcy and scaff working in two or more jurisdictiuns may choose tie une in which they wish to participuce. Implementation of the governance system will tuke place in three phases: