Notice “Board Douglas College Faculty Association 9. 10. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, April 26th, 1978 Room 308 ABCD New Westminster Campus 4°15..P .M. AGENDA 4:15 Gall £0 Order Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes - Spring Annual General Meeting Anrail:25 522977 - Fall General Meeting Octobex 265°1977 - Extraordinary General Meeting November 30, 1977 Business Arising from the Minutes Extraordinary Resolutions 1. Bylaw Amendments 2. Resolved that the D.C.F.A. support in principle the formation of a province wide union of post secondary educators. Budget proposal 1978-79 Election of officers - President - Vice-president - Ombudsman Reports: President Vice-president Secretary Treasurer CFF Director Ombudsman Other Adjournment TOs All holders of the NEW Faculty Association Contract FROM: Personnel "Please ADJUST Your Contract' A technical error has occurred in the fourth page of the contract. Article 3 - Selection Procedures Parad. 33.02 - Selection of Instructors is continued on the back of Page 4. In Solidarity ake ardsley aN The Douglas College theatre department is sponsoring a visit from the Burnaby Mountain Dance Company in the Surrey Student Lounge on Fri., Apr. 28 at7:30 p.m. Admission is free to this dance event. Anyone need boxes??? All shapes and sizes - Printing department, Surrey Campus. Intxrdxpxndxnex! Typxwritxr troublx! Onx of thx kxys doxsn’t print. Rathxr, itmakxs anx whxn wx want it to typx an x. But maybx thxrx’s a Ixsson it txachxs. Txam xf- fxctivxnxssxs ! Xvxry xmployxx in xach organization should rxalizx hx is but onx playxr on a txam. His succxss dxpxnds on his businxss associatxs’ coopxration. His sxcurity dxpxnds on how wxll xvxry- onx in his firm continuxs to work togxthxr toward thxir common objxc- tivxs. Txamwork! Xvxry onx of thx twxnty-six Ixttxrs in thx alphabxt plays its collatxral part in making languagx xffxctivxly undxr- standablx. But xach Ixttxr is dxpxndxnt on all thx othxrs if it itsxlf is to mxan anything or sxrvx any rxally usxful purposx. That’s thx sxerxt of succxss in businxss, too. Xach xmployxx must know his placx on thx txam and his intxrdxpxndxnex on all thx othxrs if his and thxir work is to bx succxssful and profitabIx.