Have an idea for a story? Let us know! Contact: Eric Wilkins, Editor-in-Chief ™ editor@theotherpress.ca (¥ Women’s volleyball struggles out of bye (¥Y End of season reflections And more! WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Men's volleyball splits week » Hard games out of the break INSTITUTION CONF PTS VIU 6-1 12 DOUGLAS 6-1 12 CAPILANO 5-2 10 QUEST 43 8 LANGARA 3-4 6 CBC 3-4 6 CAMOSUN 1-6 2 KPU O-7 Oo MEN'S BASKETBALL INSTITUTION CONF PTS VIU 7-0 14 QUEST 6-1 12 o LANGARA 5-2 10 g CAPILANO 43 8 s CAMOSUN 3-4 6 2 DOUGLAS 2-5 4 2 CBC 1-6 2 KPU 0-7 oO WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL Davie Wong : The intensity carried : these games would be tough. VIU INSTITUTION CONF PTS Soorts Reporter ; over to Saturday's matchup. : is well coached and they've got VIU 8-2 16 : Unfortunately for the Royals, : some really good athletes. But or any team, the hardest : intensity wasn’t enough to beat —_: overall I thought we executed CAPILANO 7-3 14 weeks are usually the ones : out the Mariners. After dropping : well this weekend.” The coach CAMOSUN ji after a break. For the men, this : the first set, the men would : was not without criticism as well, 73 4 statement stuck true, as they : surge back to life in the second. : however: “I think we have do DOUGLAS 5-5 10 played the VIU Mariners over the : Although they fought back hard, : better with the serve-pass; both UFV - 6 weekend. : their efforts fell flat as an early : serving the ball and receiving the 37 The action began on Friday —__:_ 3-point run by the Mariners gave: serve. That wasa key point in our COTR 2-6 4 when the men played the first of : them all they needed totake the : loss.” CBC 2-8 their two back-to-back games. > second. : The team has done well The Royals looked rusty to start. : Much like the second, : for the number of roster issues They fought hard but eventually : the third set was a back-and- : they’ve faced. Hudson praises his dropped the first set to the : forth one. Sparked by the dire : players for being able to step up ME N’S VOLLE YB ALL Mariners. The second set also : situation his team was in, Devlin: and fill positions that are lacking looked to start in VIU’s favour : rose to the occasion again and : due to injuries. INSTITUTION CONF PTS but huge consecutive blocks by: helped the Royals rally to take : With this weekend in the Scott Devlin sparked the fire : it. Unfortunately, that was all : books, the Royals proceed with a ee ae 20 underneath his team and they : the energy that the Royals could —: record of 7-3 with 14 points. They DOUGLAS 7-3 14 would go on to take the set totie : seemingly muster. : have a firm grip on second place the game. VIU opened the fourth and =: in the PACWEST conference, in UFV 375 10 From there, Nick Lightfoot — : final set swiftly, scoring in rapid : front of UFV by 4 points, while COTR 4-4 8 stepped up. His excellent play : succession. There was little the : trailing the undefeated Camosun carried them through a tight : Royals could do asthe Mariners: Chargers by 6 points. ee 4-6 8 third set and secured a win for : finished strong, taking awayany Next week, they look to close VIU 4-6 8 them in the fourth. Throughout =: hopes of a comeback. : out 2015 with games against the the game, both teams’ skill was After the games, coach Brad : Columbia Bible College Bearcats, CBC Oak o evident as scoring was a back- and-forth struggle. : Hudson spoke about his team’s : effort of late, “We knew that : who have yet to pick up a win.