10 Of all the things you wil ever be told about the post- secondaryinstitutionyouchooseto attend,goodportions of orientation willbore youandseem irrelevant.The real questions manystudentsseemtobe questingfor answers to,seem to never get answered, “What's asociallife?,”™Sexlife? Where’s the time ?,”and - 50 on goes the plaintive cry. Quest no longer. Your searché over.The Other Press has Compiled an informative package to answer such queries. Complete with maps, it shows, with a brief explanation of each location, the bestspots on campus to zip off to between classes to eng pleasures. age in carnal the Other Press the parking garages present aug T oo ee on Campus to have sex - many PY bs oppurtunies, plus a i few for the creative and industrious without getting caught. ) eee : ‘ ale ee one with a certain ambience of iy Paradise by the Dashboard Li South . y Until recently that was all that ; could besaidaboutP1.Notanymore. yh A new section of the school now Dlesbled ‘Access exists on level P1(often called the ; + zero level). Standard storage rooms Bey & loste & Rib ; \ are marked with a “S” on the map 06268] 0626A 06248 st] 0615] 0611 0609] 0607 Fors! HT S 0600 and the stairwells present certain _ es vur } - I yp C+ =e potential(moreabout stairwells eyaiuns 3 ie zm elsewhere). This is somewhat ae ; ’ S$ 0612 $ 0604 unexplored territory which has it's Computing [35 | Computer Lab | Computer Lab ae — cope, hehe are somewhat : r@ maze-li entire area seems 0624 oo | omwte Theatre 0608 a somewhat deserted at times. The os ce Colonnade is hard concrete nae e —— and as such it’s not recom ; . 0626 : 0620A 0618 0616 0614 0610 lr; od __/ | Howeverthereisanicewallmounted ee ete sr ireit spats : adventure on the i level. Levelt LevelOne hasseenmoresweat drawn. If the divider between these not teed.One interesting facet than all the other levels combined. rooms is up this spot is pretty good. of the Gym is that it has a, umm, a Inall fairness though, much of that Noonecansee you and people expect jaca of breimcivctl that sits atop the sweat was simply part of standard toheargruntingand groaningcoming bleachers. This vantage point campus curriculum-the boring fromtheserooms.Oneroom,however, overlooks theentire Gym and access sweat of the P.E. department. has it’s disadvantage.Room 1315 can _toit, from thesecond level, is However, the apparatus in the beseen from theofficeofamemberof up for large events in the Gym. The T weight room provides interesting facultyandevenifyou'reverycarefull climb to it isn’t that tricky and Welght Conditioning & potential , it has mirrors.It is in positioning the mirrors will betray provides one with a fairly secure Room Combatant Rooms unfortunately located right next to you. Stick with 1313. spot with a nice vantage point. Only 1315 the PE. facultys office and a main Theshowersarehandyand that’s for the limber and athlectic. If you're 1323 | Prulte [17 1313 door to the outside. Heavy traffic a nice plus. Word of warning-As fun intoclimbingbutnoone will join you & means this room is only for those as a shower with the right can there is always the ropes. z whocan go higher, faster. be, the use of the imate Behind the gym are standard Wo] tz wat The Conditioning and thatisa “swim atownrisk” event. storage rooms which, if easily re Combatant Rooms(yes that’s their The equipment room intheGym accessible would be nice, but entry is h + real name) also have mirrors and has plenty o’ mats and springs and somewhat problematic.At theend of Showers one even has curtains that can be things but once again discreetness is that hallway is the Print Shop and PEJRec. T 1303 Douglas sree Fel za | 2221 | ‘2a9 | 2217 ore aa © PY «Lcd ieee eee sT7 ST6 — ti oe 6 Bae 2214 Level 1 Store Say : 2300 Vestibule «ye ‘Gym zi2 5 PNUR a 1m ft “io. = a Office < ey : Cafeteria 1811 1809 1800] 1807 | 1805 | 1803 171 | 1713 om 2202 Ey] fo7)os | 05} o4| S| 1636 E| fH \ecture “ m1} 1618 Halls & 1 SC 2m ' 2100 E | oe 1814 | 1812 1808 ly aa 1640 | 1630 | 1624 | 1622 l — Security 6 2843 =} SR | sudent | student E Services Soclety h J aT 7 dicen while it itself is usually staffed soas withoutmentioning theO.P.’soffice. Offices | Assess. 2700 a to a problem for lovebirds or Over the past 15 years children have ~ —T oar carnal beasts it produces a lot of _literallybeenconceivedinouroffices. = oom eo noise-hence it’s remote tive of thearchitecture ofany 200s | 29031 2730 2720 | 2710 | 2608 location.Stairwell 6 even with it’s of our locations Other Pressers seem ar Dental Lab | Nursing Lab acoustics can’t be heard above the to manage to arrange it’s interior in HEI Print Shop. Stairwell 6 gets high justsucha way as to beconducive to Nursing Lab [Dental 2660 | 2662 ratings. Anyone whohasexperienced carnal activity.Details and what will sess Ione 2600 2680 | 2677 | 2660 | sex on stairs will vouch foritand the work best for you are best discussed echo chamber of the stairwell can in mn with our veteran staffers. September 10, 1991 ' produce ear splitting orgasms. Noarticle on where to have sex on campus would be complete Stairwell 22 is also a stairwell with tial. This stairwell has a level past level 4. 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