Puppy Fan Bites Back Just a little correction | would like to mention about Richard’s review on Skinny Puppy’s concert at the New York Theatre. The opening act was not Nepenthe, but Beauty Fountain, okay? | do agree the first act was terrible with the strobe light blinding everyone. |, too, was in a daze; however, those three guys are Beauty Fountain. (They need to go to one, too.) Anyways Richard, either you were zombied by the strobe light or perhaps you were at a_ different concert! Possible, | must say! Cheers, Sandra Tom Reply: Sandra, I’m sorry about my mistake. When CITR’s Discorder ran an ad saying it was Skinny Puppy & Nepenthe, | thought it would be them. My mistake. Richard Wayne Bites Back Too This letter is to inform you about your student society. There is a large problem, namely personality clashes. Nobody can agree upon any one thing. OH... Since last semester started, there does not seem to have been anything initiated or even completed in the interest of Douglas College students. The representative of the student body, without consulting the opinions of the students take it upon them- selves to direct or manipulate the show. It seems to be impossible to bring up new ideas, unless one is in the inner clique. This is not the way the student society should be run. It should be there to be an advocate of student’s rights and issues. Wayne Schmuland Ed. note: Mr. Schmuland is the DCSS secretary. Kudos To A.B.E. As a student enrolled in the Adult Basic Education program (A.B.E.) | would like to make some comments about the teaching staff. They are helpful, understanding, and courteous, and they are very concerned about each student’s pro- gress. Dedication to their profession is unsurpassed. | thank you very much for all the help and understanding they have given me. Cecil Nixon 1 SEE. You "Re A STUDENT | Too, NO, VM A 0ROF SUFFERING FRON\ A ZERO PERCENT SALARY WCREASE. R tame @) a4 THERE The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper, published several times a semester (usually every two weeks) under the auspices of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student levy paid at registration time and through local and national advertising. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press and of the national advertising cooperative, Campus Plus. Ad manager............. Peeraoae, cans tn cahitedeccties ela tied ines .... vacant Business managet................cseceeeseeeceecees Sossnblcey ipieatees Macant Classifieds coordinator................csccececseessecees .....Pinky Hunjan EDDY OCNRON ooo eh crite vow n cok wees ceases cealcesenclis ....Gord Henry Editorial coordinator.................s.csceeceeees ss .. Shaun Smith Entertainment coordinator....... wits anetsd ss sttaseaneseets Kirstin Shaw Features coordinator......... Peer ee asst oe We he John McDonald BU CIOLK iiecs) pcos scdivelescettesiessaass uae eats ........Lori Donald Galley proof.................06+ Vateuatak seeders ienesedae hiswlisees Sue Moore Graphics coordinator......... Gets Wide chaug ine seeeeeeeeees-DOUQ Finnerty Human rights coordinator........ tescsansertgeenntetecagsaver ve Paul J. Gill News coordinator...............ccsceeseeees ates Es noite Angela Dunbar Office coordinator................csccsceeeeeeees seseseeeeeee Vacant Photo coordinator.................. Sea ANE Kevin MacDonald Production coordinator.................000se08 Jeremy Bloom Recruitment coordinator................ccscesceececreccsceeees Steve Ocsko Sports coordimator................cscsccsceessescececevesccececsceeeees/ Vacant Typesetters........ Karen Hooey,. Kathy Nichols, Shauna Mulroney Contributors...............Paul Pilon, Richard Haines, Brian Pharez, Colin McEwen, Lisa Haws, Brian Bisset Chris Brown, H., Gord Day, P. Mollusc, Meghan L. Miller, Denis McPherson, Dave Watson, Rick Sargent, Phindar How does it always be so much time gone so much not yet done where does that time go to? More important, where did all the people go to? They must have all gone to Chicago’s and left us behind, or maybe the Spag. Well, what care we? we'll just go back to Burger Haven and pig out yet again!! (How can everyone say I’m too thin? Anyway, the usual thanx go to the usual crew, including the Dynamic duo, or actually dynamic dou #1, as there are now three such dous in operation at the op, extremely domestic, Mr. X is getting confused. Speaking of domestic, we’re out of ginger ale again, something must be done!!! this ain’t Canada Dry... unlike duos, hair is getting in short supply, as Ange axes her tresses to fuel the trend...but Remy refuses to crop the back, Lor’s got to have something to run her fingers through while she brings him tea and orange juice that comes all the way from Chi oops I mean cafeteria. Thanks also to prince sonny o’Day, li’l Lisa, Big Steve, cute Kevin (and all his cute fan club), rude bryan, mad johnny, and of course, our free enterprising small businessman taxi driver ———————————————__