INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 22, 1990 Student Loan Workshops for Students Happening Now! May 1990 Maple Ridge Campus- All programs ...... May 2255 sce ESR ed cel a AREAS Ta at ge er Gwe 7-9 pm (21911 B 122 Ave., Maple Ridge) Computer Information Systems .......... May f36. o..)05 BIT eck. as eee ee 9:30-12 noon Community Social Service Worker ........ AY eo oo. Sa WORmen 9 Cente 2 so aig 6-8:30 pm sluperrart Ge Time ee a ete May 0) oes Be sy 6 tees MOY 9:30-12 noon Community Support Worker ........... May 0 ¢.343 MEE Cr) 08's 4 = eye ye aa 6-8:30 pm June 1990 Barly Childhood Bducations). 6.605 56 hs pane Osta o-3 WYO SR CANE le) Ue 6-8:30 pm AU ge on hc ow Ree ao a VINE Ors cee y ADE Pees cet Sax wa i ceed eas Rat 4 9:30-12 noon Long TSrrn ate ik aides se ee June 12) o2ia,. Women si@entmes i ooge..g. sar 6-8:30 pm BasiC WICRIRNSRIP 0d. pete oe oe PIR ik wes E ly hie re euee se Rew 9:30-12 noon AIL DIOREOIEN adn) s sae eben x aw eoelaee waa Une 13 Se ELEN Monree odatie vec kemiek BUN! mero 6-8:30 pm Therapeutic Recreation: o9i0) 4 oe JUNCEEO Ga hier. Worrn’s Cente...) gins os 6-8:30 pm ASLPRORIEING ah. hi ec Fae oe JUNE 20 S37 LOA OUT Aa) ces ey TOM eae ese a ae 9-12 noon Construction Management ............ june 20-44. 7 Ue a ere ae er 6-8:30 pm PEL DOIOIOS sie 8 + aoe Re Foe Mian ga as Site 2 fs We RARE be ve Peck ee 4 9:30-12 noon July 1990 Dental Auxtiary:. uate ay «ee. PUY ow on sli Womens Conte (0.0) dc ae 6-8:30 pm BE PIORONS ob WU Aero ah AD leery.) anger a haa 9:30-12 noon A OID RTAING Ge Po es vale oe ees Wy © te os PAD th Eeciihce tui Sx 5 ge 6-8:30 pm PU GUIAING ss sya en eg WOE ecie, RO ie ls ee ee ee ea a 9:30-12 noon PL TANS 18 cS glee ive 4 a ee ee Pa oa Be A» Fes oso Saks Be aN 6-8:30 pm Al PIES eben a eo ee ee Ruy 18 egies cs serra ern ae 9:30-12 noon Pile PIQGT ION ONS a oe a ae O25 FR core ADB aa tos bi ye top eh ae asiee ee 9:30-12 noon AA PIGRTAMNIS 22 ON ge ca 8 we, JUly, 25ers AOA e ice AM atldins aie 8 enekioat A 6-8:30 pm August 1990 POOR an a o's ak ee eas AUSUSE LE Ga SOL OU. dee eg eee 9:30-12 noon PIPERS ie 5 ay Vie a 6 eo alee tae es Pe ce 6 eet: ape oP, eae erie 5 6-8:30 pm PR AIR ek oles hut) ke ee a aes PRAISE Ds weal il ev ee Ga ee 9:30-12 noon PLR as drei Oe el ae od gy ea POU oe hs ch a) a ae ee Za 6-8:30 pm Pama ss coals asia Gd 3 el ee PAGS AD) EEE recite Hae se 9:30-12 noon PO NG iiss: ag eth A Wee Bondy wd AVG as Es ei a ee 9:30-12 noon For more information, please contact the Student Finance Office, Room 2710.